Presidential rhetoric corresponds to presidential action; it precedes and defines it. What a candidate says on the campaign trail connects to what he (or she) will do in office. And if Trump has had a single consistent message, it is that he’ll use the violent arm of the state to cleanse the nation of “scum” and “vermin,” whether immigrants and refugees or dissenters and political opponents like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi.

Americans who want to stop this — three things to do:

  • @[email protected]
    184 days ago

    If any Magoo apologizes for voting for him after he goes full Nazi I hope every one of us will tell them to fuck right off or preferably punch them in the face. I have no sympathy for a piece of shit that refuses to listen to anyone other than their favorite propagandist until it hurts them personally.

    Fucking selfish ignorant cunts the lot of em.