I’m all for putting solar panels all over the place, but won’t these get dusty and oily and need loads of cleaning after trains pass over?

Also, costing €623,000 over three years sounds rather expensive for just 100m (although that roughly equates to 11KW).

  • originalucifer
    34 hours ago

    Tell me, why on earth would you put solar panels between rails?

    were just trying to find some efficiency in the space wasted by rail not-in-use. thats a lot of land. im not saying its possible, but i dont think thought experiments about these kinds of things is a bad idea

    • @Valmond
      54 hours ago

      That’s like 0.00000001% of land.

      There is so much unused land, why bother trains and their schedules with a maintenance nightmare between their rails?

      It is just a stupid idea with no upside except the oily greasy dirty solar panels up-side that can’t get cleaned because, … wait for it …, there are Trains running over it!

      I can’t fathom how such a stupid idea got more that 1 meter away from the bar counter.

      • @[email protected]
        3 hours ago

        I agree, there’s so much land elsewhere. Even just beside the tracks would be better than between the tracks

        • @Valmond
          11 hour ago

          That could actualy have real world benefits, like when there are few trains, a special small train could go by and let maintenance people off/on there for example.

      • originalucifer
        -13 hours ago

        ha, ok. youll be ok. its alright. everything will be just fine.

        why dont you have some nice warm milk and this cookie. youll feel right as rain. .

        • @Valmond
          13 hours ago

          Everything will be fine, except this extraordinarily stupid idea.

          Did you invest in it or something? I mean you have no answers just other than “here take a cookie” lol

            • @Valmond
              -23 hours ago

              It did cost 600.000 euros and you call it efficient, for an idea that can be scrapped by thinking straight for 2 minutes lol.

              You think the idea sounds cool, but it’s just a nightmare. If you are really interested in efficiency you should look up engineering and related studies. Or just work with mechanical things. Or both.

              What did you think about solar roadways?