• @EvilBit
      45 months ago

      Do not engage. UniversalMonk posts on average once every 17 minutes, 24/7. Pretty sure he’s a Russian chatbot. Just downvote and move on.

      • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
        5 months ago

        As much as you talk about me, I’m beginning to think you really like me. Thanks, friend! :)

      • AFK BRB Chocolate
        95 months ago

        Yet you’re responsible for more posts that cast Trump in a positive light than anyone I can think of. For someone who says he’s not for Trump, you seem to be working hard to get him elected.

        • @Eldritch
          85 months ago

          There isn’t much Point engaging with this person. They’re so desperate for interaction good or bad. Or so mentally off that they created a community for Scientology to discuss it’s benefits. Of which there are none unless you’re David miscavage. Where is Shelly David?

          • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
            -145 months ago

            I took down the scientology community for now because I’m concentrating on writing short stories for another community. But the Scientology community will be back soon. Thanks for the shoutout, friend! :)

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          5 months ago

          Posting links to articles that you think cast Trump in a positive light isn’t illegal, nor does it violate the rules of this community, no matter how many people here might wish otherwise.

          I also didn’t vote for him. Thank you! :)

          • AFK BRB Chocolate
            95 months ago

            Who said anything about it being illegal or a violation? I was just pointing out that you keep saying you didn’t vote for him but you keep spamming giant amounts of positive press for him.

            The most charitable I can be towards you is that you’re like the press who would keep giving air time to the “scientists” who argued against the notion that humans were causing climate change, even though they were less than one percent of the scientific community. Lots of people came away thinking it was a big debate among scientists when it wasn’t, and that contributed to the problem we have today.

            More likely, I think, is that for whatever reason you’re trying to get Trump elected and so you’re doing the disingenuous Joe Rogan thing of trying to look unbiased while pushing an agenda.

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
              5 months ago

              Nobody said it was illegal or a violation. I just put it out there for others who seem to not realize it.

              Also, there is no way Trump is going to win. In fact, I disagree with the polls that are saying it’s a tight race. I think Harris will win by a landslide, friend. I’ve always thought that, and I’ve always said that.

              So now, not only am I not trying to get Trump elected, I don’t think there’s any chance he will get elected.

              Plus, I don’t think there is anything wrong with having some opposing viewpoints in this community so that voters can decide for themselves who they want to vote for. Thank you! :)

              • AFK BRB Chocolate
                65 months ago

                Okay, so you really are like those news organizations giving the air time to climate deniers. “Just airing the opposing view,” even though that view is bullshit and destructive.

                Got it, thanks for the clarification.

                • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
                  5 months ago

                  Destructive in YOUR point of view. You do realize that almost half the voting public actually likes him, right? So not everyone thinks he’s destructive.

                  I get it. You don’t like him. And that’s fine. Others do. And that’s fine too.

                  Just realize that not everyone shares your opinion. Welcome to Democracy. Thanks, friend! :)

                  • AFK BRB Chocolate
                    55 months ago

                    And you realize that a hunk of his popularity is because of blatant, I mean extremely blatant, propaganda, right? You have outlets like Fox refusing to run anything negative and continuing to air verifiably false information, and they aren’t the worst offender, just the most popular.

                    You could have said the exact same stuff about the climate deniers. Almost half of people believed them, so they couldn’t be wrong. It’s just an opinion that they’re harmful. There’s nothing illegal about airing their nonsense.

                    Again, you do you, but let’s be up front about what you’re about here.

                  • @[email protected]
                    45 months ago

                    Others do. And that’s fine too.

                    No, the fact that so many people like a dangerous fascist and wanna-be dictator is not “fine, too”.