• @TommySoda
    855 months ago

    Five Finger Death Punch is as close as you can possibly get to pop music without leaving the genre of metal completely. I don’t judge people if it’s their jam, I just think they are extremely mediocre at best. It’s no coincidence that the majority of their most popular songs are covers.

    But hey, people like what they like.

    • @Siethron
      334 months ago

      I just feel like their songs are specifically targeted to edgy 13 year olds. “wrong side of heaven and righteous side of hell” I mean, c’mon.

      • @CyanideShotInjection
        64 months ago

        The maturity of a 13 years old, but it’s listened by angry genXers and older millenials.

      • @ziggurat
        54 months ago

        I don’t get this point of view, maybe I should because it sounds logical. But again sometimes I want to listen to harpsichords in E by Bach. And sometimes I want to listen to hallowed be thy name from iron maiden, sometimes I want to listen to a nightmare to remember by dream theater, and sometimes I want to listen to wrong side of heaven by ffdp.

        It’s like the same logic that I love eatimg healthy home made delicious filipino food every day of the week, by my excellent cook of a wife. And yet occasionally I get a craving for a menu at burger King with a monster energy drink.

        It is as if there is redeemable factors in both

        • nifty
          14 months ago

          Tbf, the metal bands you mentioned are all on the operatic side of metal, which is a nice subgenre. Many metal fans would say that there are definitive bands which categorize one subgen vs another. I’ve never heard of Five Finger Death Punch, and thought the name was actually Five Flavored Fruit Punch. Maybe an opportunity for Weird Al here 😁

          • @ziggurat
            24 months ago

            Weird al ruins songs for me, I just forget the original lyrics, and now weird als lyrics is the only thing I can think of when I hear the song

            • nifty
              4 months ago

              Haha fair, but it’s almost an honor to get a Weird Al parody, I think

              • @ziggurat
                14 months ago

                Yes, unless you are Coolio or prince

    • @TexasDrunk
      174 months ago

      I tend to like pop metal the same way I like pop punk. It’s not going to make me feel anything but it’s catchy. It’s good for working out or working on the motorcycle and similar things where I want a driving background but don’t want to get way into it.

      That being said, the kind of people who listen to FFDP put me off of their music. It’s like that’s the first metal they ever heard then decided to make it their whole personality.

    • Track_Shovel
      144 months ago

      Ghost is in the same boat. Don’t get me wrong, they write some great songs, but they are perilously close to pop

      • bravesirrbn ☑️
        414 months ago

        I’ve seen Ghost described as “Spooky ABBA” and somehow it kinda checks out. Not even mad, ABBA is great and so is Ghost

        • @[email protected]
          114 months ago

          “Bon Jovi for Goth Dads” is the other one I enjoy. I love Ghost, Tobias writes exactly the music he wants. Not trying to be metal, he was heavily influenced by og heavy metal (Sabbath) and the theatrics of the glam/hair metal era (Kiss). Combine the two and ya, that’s just Ghost.

          It’s very intentionally campy and fun, like year round Halloween.

      • @CyanideShotInjection
        74 months ago

        To their defense, I think they are really self aware. The campiness and the theatrics are all intentional. It almost has a musical (the broadway kind) aspect to it. 5FDP actually believe they are hard.

    • @[email protected]
      144 months ago

      I agree they are mediocre (at best), but as for sounding poppy, you’re forgetting we have a whole metal subgenre called hair metal.

      • @AstridWipenaugh
        34 months ago

        Yeah but hair metal had raw sex appeal. They’d fuck your girl, and maybe you too, and you were ok with it. Sure it’s musically lighter, but they went hard. On the other hand, you assume 5FDP is on tour again because they’re behind on child support payments.