I’m all for putting solar panels all over the place, but won’t these get dusty and oily and need loads of cleaning after trains pass over?

Also, costing €623,000 over three years sounds rather expensive for just 100m (although that roughly equates to 11KW).

  • @Nuke_the_whales
    22 days ago

    Wouldn’t it be better to place panels on the train roofs?

    • @Noodle07
      21 day ago

      Or, hear me out: on the roof of the train stations

      • @Nuke_the_whales
        522 hours ago

        Panels on the roof of everything, the roof of cars, the roof of buildings, the roof of your mouth…

        • @Noodle07
          110 hours ago

          Doesn’t see the light often in there

            • @Noodle07
              17 hours ago

              Sorry boss, can’t come to work I’m generating energy