• Flax
    114 hours ago

    ΠΡΟΣ ΡΩΜΑΙΟΥΣ 1:27 TR1624 [27] ομοιως τε και οι αρσενες αφεντες την φυσικην χρησιν της θηλειας εξεκαυθησαν εν τη ορεξει αυτων εις αλληλους αρσενες εν αρσεσιν την ασχημοσυνην κατεργαζομενοι και την αντιμισθιαν ην εδει της πλανης αυτων εν εαυτοις απολαμβανοντες

    ΠΡΟΣ ΤΙΜΟΘΕΟΝ Α΄ 1:8-11 TR1624 [8] οιδαμεν δε οτι καλος ο νομος εαν τις αυτω νομιμως χρηται [9] ειδως τουτο οτι δικαιω νομος ου κειται ανομοις δε και ανυποτακτοις ασεβεσιν και αμαρτωλοις ανοσιοις και βεβηλοις πατραλωαις και μητραλωαις ανδροφονοις [10] πορνοις αρσενοκοιταις ανδραποδισταις ψευσταις επιορκοις και ει τι ετερον τη υγιαινουση διδασκαλια αντικειται [11] κατα το ευαγγελιον της δοξης του μακαριου θεου ο επιστευθην εγω

    ΠΡΟΣ ΚΟΡΙΝΘΙΟΥΣ Α΄ 6:9 TR1624 [9] η ουκ οιδατε οτι αδικοι βασιλειαν θεου ου κληρονομησουσιν μη πλανασθε ουτε πορνοι ουτε ειδωλολατραι ουτε μοιχοι ουτε μαλακοι ουτε αρσενοκοιται

    Better? Or are you going to tell me that these manuscripts are somehow wrong, too?

    • ZloubidaOP
      16 hours ago

      None of these words can be translated by “homosexual” or “homosexuality”, if you understand homosexuality as “a loving and stable romantic and sexual relationship between two persons of the same sex” like the marriages blessed by this pastor.

      • Flax
        13 hours ago

        The word αρσενοκοιται

        αρσεν Male

        κοιται Bed

        It literally means “males who bed with other males (in a sexual manner)”

        As for Romans 1:27


        The Greek and the English both make it clear that they “burned in their lust one toward another”. Which describes a passionate, consensual relationship.

        When talking about marriage, marriage is insituted by God. In fact, it’s the first sacrament (if you see it as one) instituted.

        Genesis 2:24 ESV [24] Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

        The marriage is between a man and a woman. It remains that way throughout the whole Bible, that it’s between a man and a woman. The only time a sexual union is mentioned between two men or two women, it’s condemned. A man and a man cannot get married, neither can two women.