• burgersc12
    515 months ago

    Is it defeatist to face the facts that we have released more carbon in 2023 than any other year? Is it defeatist to realize not only are we polluting non-stop, we are also destroying the oceans, we are destroying ecosystems and we are destroying ourselves at a rate that we can’t control? That a majority of people are content living their lives this way if it means they don’t have to make the hard choice of having and using less? We’re already well past 1°C and are not going to slowdown it seems until its too late.

    • @[email protected]
      265 months ago

      CO2 emissions of the world excluding China have declined. Chinas emissions did fall in Q2 of this year.

      Seriously China has economic trouble, which slows down energy demand growth. The US has run the massive inflation reduction act, which seems to be working somewhat well and Europe was hit hard by the energy crisis reducing emissions in the EU through lower consumption and faster green roll out and Russia as its fossil fuel exports fall. On top of that green technologies like solar panels, wind trubines, electric vehicles, heat pumps and so forth become cheaper all the time. It is certainly possible that we can achieve peak emissions soon.

          • @UnderpantsWeevil
            45 months ago

            You forgot the first bit

            Warning, it’s not “good news”. I think we fucked up so badly that quiet literally a “Dark Age” is coming. This is a rough “first pass” of how some new papers are coming together for me.

            Followed by

            Short Takes: The evidence accumulates that the “Climate Sensitivity” estimate in our models is BADLY off.

            One of the things that stuck in my head was the finding that there was an apparent pattern of +8°C temperature increase for each doubling of atmospheric CO2 (2XCO2).

            Very alarming if accurate.

    • @[email protected]
      105 months ago

      Whoa, whoa, street-preacher.

      No, it’s not defeatist to state facts. It’s what you do or say immediately after that makes the difference.

      Now, we’re all feeling the same kinds of stress that would make any of us rattle on like that, and you must know you’re not alone or even in the minority with your concern. The majority of people - polls show - want to avoid or to blunt that fate we worry is coming. And with the world swinging a little conservative for a while, it’ll be even harder to make the changes now we had to make 20 years ago.

      But trust in your fellow person instead of cursing them for indolents when you don’t know their situation. If you go off like this at people on the edge of moving from subsistence to again having the opportunity to join you at the protests, you may risk losing them as an ally.

      Softly, softly.

      • burgersc12
        25 months ago

        I am cursing myself for being too weak to do the necessary, to give up on the unnecessary plastic junk, to give up on driving and all the industrial products that are slowly killing us in one way or another. If I can’t do it how can I preach doing what is necessary to others? I feel like a hypocrit, caught between a fossil fuel filled life of comfort and a future of hardship that I feel fully unprepared to even talk about, never mind living through

    • @I_Has_A_Hat
      55 months ago

      It’s like praising all the cabin cars getting repainted with eco-friendly paint while the train has already gone off the cliff and is plunging toward the ground.

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      Interest in solar panels has skyrocketed, and yet at least 50% of the world population won’t stop driving ICE cars to work every day any time soon. While the ocean surface temperatures are on an exponential trajectory.

      A climate catastrophy with mass deaths is inevitable. I’d be preparing instead of sugar-coating.

      And after a few billion humans die, we can deploy solar panels and start living sustainably.

      • burgersc12
        15 months ago

        Yes, this exactly! The polls about sustainable living mean nothing when the ice caps melt, when the wildlife has been reduced to basically nothing and when we are all struggling to breathe with no trees and no plankton to produce oxygen.

      • @shalafi
        35 months ago

        At least partly. No one seems to take into account the carbon costs of manufacturing things like solar cells, stuff like that.