• @[email protected]
    1183 months ago

    Any western government or leader surprised that Ukraine is now talking about developing their own nuclear weapons program needs to understand that they wouldn’t even be considering that if we had just fucking held up our end of the deal.

    With the Budapest Memorandum, they surrendered their (former Soviet) nukes in exchange for security guarantees. The guarantees ended up being worth less than the paper they were written on. Ergo, Ukraine, seeking security guarantees on its own terms, feels compelled to re-develop nuclear weapons technology, because that’s a guarantee nobody’s going to be able to forcibly take from you once you have it.

    • @HappycamperNZ
      303 months ago

      We did hold up our end.

      We brought it before the UNSC, Russia vetoed any proposal. That was our agreement, Russia did not hold up theirs.

      This is why the VETO power needs to go.

      • @NoSpotOfGround
        173 months ago

        Unfortunately, without the veto power I expect the nuclear-armed countries would just leave the UN and it would lose what little usefulness it still has.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          Test that argument and build something better if it holds true?

          Btw, peer pressure works on countries too!

    • sunzu2
      253 months ago

      Watch germany pull support if ukraine tried nukes while still selling weapons to israel for genocide and who also has nukes…

      We living through a timeline where the entire world order sold to us is falling a part because our own countries wont comply with their own rules 🤡

        • @Lost_My_Mind
          23 months ago

          Yeah, Hogan’s a wrinkly mess, Nash has gone from brown hair, to grey hair to white hair. Hall is dead.

        • @Aceticon
          13 months ago

          Germany, Britain and the US supporting a White Colonist State mass murdering the locals whose land they’ve been stealing and who they claim are violent and savage.

          We’re basically back in the late 1800s.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        33 months ago

        You’re just catching onto this NOW???

    • @BMTea
      23 months ago

      There was absolutely no way that the West was going to allow a fragile, Russia-leaning corrupt new state keep the nuclear weapons, and Russia wasn’t down for it either. It was never in the cards regardless of what Ukraine was granted “in return.” Just as Ukraine will not be allowed to develop the bomb now by either Russia or the West.