• @IndustryStandard
    165 hours ago

    Don’t forget America pinky promised security guarantees

    • @HappycamperNZ
      62 hours ago

      America promised to bring it before the UNSC, which they did.

      93 Budapest memorandum if you wanna read

  • @[email protected]
    547 hours ago

    Any western government or leader surprised that Ukraine is now talking about developing their own nuclear weapons program needs to understand that they wouldn’t even be considering that if we had just fucking held up our end of the deal.

    With the Budapest Memorandum, they surrendered their (former Soviet) nukes in exchange for security guarantees. The guarantees ended up being worth less than the paper they were written on. Ergo, Ukraine, seeking security guarantees on its own terms, feels compelled to re-develop nuclear weapons technology, because that’s a guarantee nobody’s going to be able to forcibly take from you once you have it.

    • @HappycamperNZ
      12 hours ago

      We did hold up our end.

      We brought it before the UNSC, Russia vetoed any proposal. That was our agreement, Russia did not hold up theirs.

      This is why the VETO power needs to go.

    • sunzu2
      127 hours ago

      Watch germany pull support if ukraine tried nukes while still selling weapons to israel for genocide and who also has nukes…

      We living through a timeline where the entire world order sold to us is falling a part because our own countries wont comply with their own rules 🤡

    • @BMTea
      05 hours ago

      There was absolutely no way that the West was going to allow a fragile, Russia-leaning corrupt new state keep the nuclear weapons, and Russia wasn’t down for it either. It was never in the cards regardless of what Ukraine was granted “in return.” Just as Ukraine will not be allowed to develop the bomb now by either Russia or the West.

  • abff08f4813c
    317 hours ago

    I agree. They deserved one of two things in returned for giving up their nukes.

    NATO membership.

    Or a mutual defense treaty of the style seen in South Korea and Japan - i.e. Ukraine should come under the US nuclear umbrella.

  • sunzu2
    -47 hours ago

    It was a rookie move to give it up, it was a rookie move not to strap up, it was a rookie move not have contiguency plans in place.

    Being right and good guy dont do shit. Having your guns and plans is how you survive.

    Sucks to suck but this is real politik.

    With that said, nuclear detterance doctrine is utter failure and rules based international order is a sad joke.

    US is helping israel do genocide

    Russia got korea to enter the war on their side.

    Ukraine weapons with millionn restrictions and limp dick supoort with from US and Germany.

    Lord have mercy, hoepfully balts, nords and ee countries support is enough for ukraine. Otherwise they gonna die slowly.