• @givesomefucks
    33 hours ago

    Yeah, there’s fundamental brain differences that allow someone with literally a few minutes of training to predict political leaning like >70% (maybe it was even >80%) of the time from nothing but a brain scan…

    Which might not sound that high, but it’s fucking huge.

    It’s why the things that motivate conservatives (fear of the unknown) isn’t what motivates progressives (empathy and solid plans for the future).

    Republicans know their voters, they give them what they want: a Boogeyman to label as the enemy.

    Dems however keep ignoring their base because “who else will they vote for?” and trying to court Republican voters using strategies that either piss of the base (being pro border wall) or just not be effective on conservative voters (talking about how trump will hurt others).

    If you understand basic sociology/psychology, it’s clearly the wrong path for the Dem party. Unfortunately the DNC only prioritizes how much donations someone can bring in when picking people for DNC leadership positions. And the people who prioritize money, rarely go into either sociology or psychology.

    It legitimately shouldn’t be this hard to beat fucking trump

    The unelected people in charge of the only other option just don’t know what the fuck they’re doing. They just keep appealing to the wealthy to increase their donation amount because it’s literally the only metric people are judged on at the DNC.

    We desperately need to fix things before 2028, but if Kamala wins she appoints the head of the DNC, and if she loses Biden’s pick stays.

    • Snailpope
      12 hours ago

      Yea,I know very little about phycology and nothing about sociology, so this was very enlightening.