    15 days ago

    I mean MBTs. How many do we have in Europe? 5? 6?

    The Americans have one. The Abrahams.

    • bluGill
      15 days ago

      I don’t know, I know Germany has a tank, UK has a tank, and Poland is building the Korean tank. I’m not aware of others, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you are right. I agree 5 is too many, 2-3 is a good number, enough that nobody gets stuck on a bad design. Not so many that scale (which is already low on a tank until we are at war and need many) can’t happen at all.

      • @CAVOKOP
        35 days ago

        Italy has the Ariete and France the Leclerc. I think there are a few in eastern Europe as well, but that might be modified Russian tanks. Not sure about those, sorry guys.

        My point is that it’s far too many. 2 max, and that’s stretching it. If the US can manage with one, so can we.