The U.S. establishment is sleepwalking toward a crisis. An openly antidemocratic figure stands at least a 50-50 chance of winning the presidency. The Supreme Court and the Republican Party have abdicated their gatekeeping responsibilities, and too many of America’s most influential political, business and religious leaders remain on the sidelines. Unable to rise above fear or narrow ambition, they hedge their bets. But time is running out.

What are they waiting for?

They may be waiting, but the rest of us Americans don’t have to

  • @SassyRamen
    74 months ago

    The Fifth path: We build a time machine. Go back to when it was a baby. We fill its bottle full of its Dads hair growth formula and then bodabing bodabang, no more orange fuck face.

    Saved you a click

    • Em Adespoton
      14 months ago

      That wouldn’t be a solution; Fred Jr or Robert would have ended up filling Donnie’s shoes, and we’d likely be in the same position today.

      At this point, it’s about more than just Trump, just like WWII was about more than just Hitler.