I am not a teen.

  • @[email protected]
    244 months ago

    I have argued this a bunch of times at this point, but movies should choose a target demographic and then go for it:

    • Make family friendly movies without awkward implied sex under covers or while wearing underwear and such nonsense. Something that I can watch with family without it getting awkward


    • make adult, explicit movies where the actors are actually, explicitly, visibly fucking during sex scenes. Doesnt have to be straight up porn, just make sex scenes sex scenes.

    TLDR: Make actual family friendly movies without, and actually adult and explicit movies with. The middle of the road stuff makes it awkward and/or unsatisfying for everyone present

    • Sippy Cup
      234 months ago

      Sex scenes peaked when Tommy Wiseau passionately made love to a belly button and you can’t tell me differently.

      • TheTechnician27
        54 months ago

        I was praying for a reference to The Room in this thread.

      • masterofn001
        44 months ago

        Charlotte Gainsbourg cutting off her clit with a pair of scissors in Antichrist was the absolute depth of the valley of sex scenes.

        Jesus fuck that movie was not sexy. But, the sex is what made that movie. A horrific, depressing, Lars von Trier trauma device.

        On a lighter note: when I was working at a local film festival, I got to meet Greg Sestero and watch a showing of the room followed by a q&a.

        • Flying Squid
          34 months ago

          Lars von Trier understands the ugly side of sex, which is why his sex scenes work so well in his films. The sex scenes in Breaking the Waves were definitely needed. They were also pretty hard to watch.