I am not a teen.

  • @stupidcasey
    433 minutes ago

    Lol, If someone puts a gun against my head and says guess the most lied about thing in human history, honest to god I would say, Teens lying About sex.

    For some reason I question the validity of this study.

    • @Shou
      318 minutes ago

      Dunno. There are better sources too look for sex. Watching a movie with your mates is just awkward.

    • @bamfic
      19 minutes ago

      There is porn now. Everyfuckingwhere. For free. So much porn. Niche porn. Hardcore porn. Fetish porn. You don’t have to jerk off to a lingirie catalog like we did when we were kids. Or sneak National Geographic magazines to see boobs. Sex in movies is just sad, stupid, and often unnecessary tittilation.

  • @[email protected]
    162 hours ago

    I can’t think of a single sex scene in a movie that added value to it. They’re pointless and akward to both the audience and actors.

  • @pyre
    101 hour ago

    it’s at an all time low. idk how less it could get.

  • madjo
    238 minutes ago

    Also not a teen, but as an asexual person I’ve been wishing for that for a while now.

  • @TheDemonBuer
    433 hours ago

    I’m not a teen (far from it), but I’m with the kids on this one. The vast majority of sex scenes in movies are awful. They’re awkward and totally unrealistic. It completely takes you out of the movie. Most sex scenes are not engrossing or engaging, they don’t immerse you in the story, they push you out of it.

    Most every sex scene feels like it was made by someone who’s never had sex. Every angle is the right angle, every thrust is ecstasy, it’s nonsense. It’s like someone who thinks the covers of romance novels are depictions of real life.

    There are a lot of intimate moments that can be portrayed convincingly enough on film, but sex is rarely one of them. And it’s just not necessary. Let the audience infer, let us use our imaginations.

    • @lennybird
      251 minutes ago

      C’mon, didn’t you wanna see Oppenheimer reach criticality?

    • @Today
      42 hours ago

      I have a friend who’s dated a bit but has never really had a boyfriend. I think she gives up too soon because she expects a Hallmark movie where everything’s perfect and every kiss is magical.

    • The Octonaut
      02 hours ago

      One point to disagree on: less teens than ever are having sex, and with no actual experience, their imaginations are based on porn. No wonder they’re terrified of it, if their first impression is what comes up when you Google “boy girl have sex”.

  • @recapitated
    258 minutes ago

    I always thought there should be more going to the restroom scenes.

  • @Sterile_Technique
    173 hours ago

    Team America World Police is the only movie that’s ever gotten the sex scene right.

    • @stoly
      156 minutes ago

      I promise. I’ll never die.

  • shoulderoforion
    675 hours ago

    Actual no holds barred sex of every sort you wish to see, as often as you wish to see it, a click away on the interwebz, the titillation found by past generations in R rated movies and late night Television, no longer computes, and is wholly unnecessary

    • @[email protected]
      163 hours ago

      Yea that was my thought too. When I was a teen we had one PC and it was in a shared room. Had to rely on the TV for jerk off material. These days everyone has the whole internet in their pocket. TV is for watching good stories, they can skip the sex scenes.

    • @zoostation
      -153 hours ago

      Writing a story and having to make my characters not want to have sex because of the existence of an unrelated industry outside the context of their universe.

      Striking out any gambling references in my stories because of the rise of online gambling.

      Then I realize I’ve stupidly written scenes where my characters eat, having forgotten like a stupid hack how many restaurants there are in the real world.

      • @SkybreakerEngineer
        233 hours ago

        Dude, there’s a difference between romance and full-on extended sex scenes. Fade to black and get on with the plot.

        • @zoostation
          62 hours ago

          The sex scenes that most mainstream dramas have traditionally had are brief and not explicit.

      • shoulderoforion
        203 hours ago

        If that’s an example of your writing, you’ve got much larger problems, my friend

      • @almar_quigley
        43 hours ago

        Do you characters take big stinky poops? Because that’s a real thing too. Do they pop pimples on their body or on their partners? The list goes on. There’s an audience for everything, but it’s pretty obvious sex isn’t as much of a driver for movies anymore.

        • @zoostation
          -13 hours ago

          Sex is an important part of one’s life, bowel movements aren’t. (Hopefully)

          • @almar_quigley
            62 hours ago

            In what respect? I feel confident in saying many if not most people take some pleasure in a good poop. Perhaps not as much as having sex but the point remains in a critical part of life.

            • @zoostation
              52 hours ago

              Drama is largely about character relationships and sex is a part of that. There’s rarely any drama to our necessary biological functions. Pooping can be part of a story’s plot like sex, just much less often.

            • @zoostation
              42 hours ago

              They’re more biologically necessary. They are less important to storytelling.

  • edric
    945 hours ago

    If it does not serve a purpose for the plot, then it’s not needed. Simple as that.

    • @[email protected]
      4 hours ago

      Exactly this. A lot of media is atrocious about shoehorning in things even if they are jarring and dont make sense. Token characters (race, sexuality), token ideologies (veganism, feminism, religion, etc), stereotypes, you name it.

  • @Tylerdurdon
    83 hours ago

    It’s because kids are staying home with mom and dad much later and you know how uncomfortable everyone in the room gets when there’s a bang scene.

    *The processing statement was a joke, albeit a bad one. Any similarities to true events are purely coincidental and the author bears no responsibility for any implied or actual hurt feelings.

  • @[email protected]
    254 hours ago

    Most of the (supposed) younger generation people I interact with online seem even more prudish and conservative about sex than my very religious parents were growing up. It’s super weird to be the older person who’s ok with sexual content. I don’t really get it.

    And yes, I know people will claim it’s because it’s only when it’s not done right or when it feels shoved in, but honestly from the way they talk about anything dealing with sex, it feels like that’s just an acceptable excuse and they really just don’t want the content to exist at all, even if ‘done right’. It’s like a huge chunk of the generation is asexual or something.

    • @[email protected]
      43 hours ago

      I think it has less to do with their attitude on sex, and more to do with the availability of actual porn. I’m an older millenial, and even I’m of the opinion that full on sex scenes very rarely add anything to the plot. Implied sex is often more than enough to do the required plot advancement. If I wanted the sex specifically, I’d just go watch porn.

      • @[email protected]
        42 hours ago

        I tended to get the impression that implied sex (such as fade to black scenes) were also not appreciated. That effectively they just didn’t want their media to include references to sex pretty much at all.

        Maybe most people are reasonable about it, but online at least it feels a bit like the old Tumblr days, except now these people are super anti sex everything and want to erase all mention of it.

  • @[email protected]
    174 hours ago

    I have argued this a bunch of times at this point, but movies should choose a target demographic and then go for it:

    • Make family friendly movies without awkward implied sex under covers or while wearing underwear and such nonsense. Something that I can watch with family without it getting awkward


    • make adult, explicit movies where the actors are actually, explicitly, visibly fucking during sex scenes. Doesnt have to be straight up porn, just make sex scenes sex scenes.

    TLDR: Make actual family friendly movies without, and actually adult and explicit movies with. The middle of the road stuff makes it awkward and/or unsatisfying for everyone present

    • @Wogi
      164 hours ago

      Sex scenes peaked when Tommy Wiseau passionately made love to a belly button and you can’t tell me differently.

      • masterofn001
        143 minutes ago

        Charlotte Gainsbourg cutting off her clit with a pair of scissors in Antichrist was the absolute depth of the valley of sex scenes.

        Jesus fuck that movie was not sexy. But, the sex is what made that movie. A horrific, depressing, Lars von Trier trauma device.

        On a lighter note: when I was working at a local film festival, I got to meet Greg Sestero and watch a showing of the room followed by a q&a.

      • TheTechnician27
        44 hours ago

        I was praying for a reference to The Room in this thread.

  • @[email protected]
    104 hours ago

    And here’s the thing. We show it. We show all of it.

    Crime. Penetration. Crime. Full penetration. Crime, penetration.

    • @[email protected]
      64 hours ago

      And this goes on and on and back and forth for 90 or so minutes until the movie just sort of… ends.

    • @[email protected]
      14 hours ago

      No, it’s totally OK to shoot a fictional movie where you graphically depict an adult disemboweling a child and torturing them, but show an 18-year-old actor portraying a child who is having graphic sex suddenly becomes illegal. Maybe if they could just watch it on TV the priests and Republicans would stop fucking children in real life.

    • oce 🐆
      5 hours ago

      21, century of the fantasy, watch out antique civilisations!

      • madjo
        229 minutes ago

        I agree with the teens. We already live in a dystopia, no need to have that in our movies and books anymore.

        There’s a reason cottage core exists. And how popular bridgerton is, and that’s not because of the sex in the series, but the escapism to a world where war barely gets mentioned. And where costumed balls are all the rage.

      • @[email protected]
        1 hour ago

        I have a few problems with this and first and foremost is that their study is about teens yet they surveyed ten to twentyfour year olds about it.

        Secondly is that the infographic says that teens would prefer more friendships over romantic relationships but this doesn’t account for the fact that there’s been a trope for the last decade where there is always some stupid romantic relationship shoehorned into any fucking story even if it makes no sense or distracts from the main story. For all we know, teens and twenty-somethings could be tired of romance being injected into movies and TV when the story doesn’t call for it but be otherwise fine with it when it enhances a story.

      • @[email protected]
        53 hours ago

        Makes me want Cosmere movies even more than I already did

        “Uplifting fantasy about characters that ‘beat the odds’” is like

        The entire thing.

        • @[email protected]
          11 hour ago

          I think movie is the wrong medium for most of the Cosmere. Too short form. Mini series or anime-style might be better?