What are your worst interviews you’ve done? I’m currently going through them myself and want to hear what others are like. Dijkstras algorithm on the whiteboard? Binary Search? My personal favorite “I don’t see anything wrong with your architecture, but I’m not a fan of X language/framework so I have to call that out”

Let me hear them!

(Non programmers too please jump in with your horrid interviews, I’m just very fed up with tech screens)

  • @acchariya
    102 hours ago

    I did one where I went through a few rounds of interviews, technical and otherwise. In talking with the developers, they mentioned that they were trying to integrate a certain client side framework into their backend frameworks build process, without success. Get to the final stages, and the director of engineering asks me to work on this take home project to, you guessed in, integrate the js framework into the build process of the backend framework.

    I sent them a strongly worded rejection email. It was a realreal eye opening experience.

    • Pudutr0n
      32 hours ago

      If it’s not a hassle, could you explain the implications of this request to someone who only understands basic coding?

      • @Nibodhika
        92 hours ago

        Imagine you’re interviewing for an Architect position at a company that’s designing a hotel, and your take home assignment is to design a hotel.

      • @[email protected]
        82 hours ago

        They were trying to get them to solve a real world problem for free under the guise of an interview (made up) problem.

        • Pudutr0n
          42 hours ago

          Hahaha. Oh, small business owners… smh Thank you!