What are your worst interviews you’ve done? I’m currently going through them myself and want to hear what others are like. Dijkstras algorithm on the whiteboard? Binary Search? My personal favorite “I don’t see anything wrong with your architecture, but I’m not a fan of X language/framework so I have to call that out”
Let me hear them!
(Non programmers too please jump in with your horrid interviews, I’m just very fed up with tech screens)
I’m a little ashamed of this one. I really wanted it, and I was a little desperate.
- HR Interview
- CTO interview
- 16-hour take home test
- 4-hour panel interview where the engineers grilled me on random things
- CEO Interview
Didn’t get it.
Fuck. This. Shit.
Been in an interview where the CTO asked me a bunch of questions and seemed interested, only to ghost me in the end. No reply even to my follow-up. Thankfully I found a better job.
I had one that was similar to this guys, got to the CEO interview and until that moment I was still excited to be there. They flat-out asked me “Here at ___ we know we’re making the world a better place - and because of that we’re willing to make ___ our number one priority in our lives. This is a hard question, are you willing to do the same?”
I was taken aback for a second. I then answered in the only way I could. “I see what you are doing and fully appreciate it. If I’m hired here ___ will be one of the most important things in my life. Whenever I’m working I will be 100% dedicated to the work, I’ve never shy’ed away from it. I’ll work nights and weekends when needed, sometimes those are needed. However you’re asking if it will be the most important thing in my life? My answer is no. It will be one of the most important things in my life, but my family and spouse is the my most important thing in my life.”
No shit, they ended the interview there, and I got a canned rejection email within 30 minutes. I’ve never been so angry at the audacity of an interview question like that. Who the fuck do you think you are demanding that you make yourself more important than my spouse?
Yes, it will be the most important thing in my life. I even brought my divorce papers here to prove it.
Jesus. Good on you for not having any of that bullshit.
Would have been nice to ask that question in the application. Would have saved everyone a bunch of time.
Ridiculous take home tests are probably the number one reason I decline to continue interview processes. If you think that building a client, an API, wiring it up to some other third party API, then deploying is a reasonable scope for an unpaid interview challenge then you are very bad at scoping software projects and the most important thing I can do for you is tell you as much.
I told one start up if I built what they asked for in the interview, I would pursue funding from their investors and launch it as a competitor- it was that similar to what their actual app did.
That sucks. Fuck them.
Hi welcome to GM please go build a Chevy at home so we can evaluate your skills.
I interviewed at Cisco once, with two managers. They started arguing with each other during said interview.
I didn’t get the job, and I didn’t want it, either.
to be fair, even if you got the job, ciscos high turnover rate, you’d probably be out the door in under 2 years anyways
In this industry, now, why would you stay at a fang? Especially past 2 years!! The only benefit is going to be the line on your CV. Unless you’re in the c-suite you are grossly undervalued,burdened with office politics, and worsening conditions.
I mean, the pay is still way ahead of anything outside FAANG, really.
Depends entirely on the business, subjective as hell.
My first ever software interview was with a small company that made a web app for traveling nurses. It was mainly a calendar with additional functionality to help nurses manage cases.
I was given a pre-interview programming task to complete. The task was relatively simple and would not take long to complete so I agreed.
When I logged in with the credentials they provided it looked like they had a very robust testing environment. There was a complete copy of the app running on the server with fake information in the database.
The code itself did not follow any style guides and was rarely documented. This caused me to spend much more time completing the task than I had estimated. Once I completed the task and verified functionality I notified the company. They checked my work and scheduled an in person interview with the lead developer, CTO, and CEO.
During the interview they attempted to access the test server with my code so we can discuss. My code could not be found on the test server and it was at this time we learned that the lead developer had given me complete access to the production servers including direct database access. The “fake” data that I used in my own testing on a production server was actual patient records. It was a huge HIPAA violation on their part and I withdrew my application for fear that this company will soon be in legal trouble.
I suspect they thought I was going to report them because they offered me $3000 for the “work completed.” It turns out their programming task was a feature that they wanted implemented into production anyways. I think if it were not for the lead developer’s mistake I would not have been paid anything. There was no offer of compensation for the completion of the task before the mistake was revealed.
Having read some of the comments from the interviewer perspective in this thread, I am glad they got you and not one of the yahoos other interviewers got.
I think the interview I least enjoyed was with an unnamed big tech company.
It was the first interview of the day and the guy came in with “so me and my buddy have been trying to solve this algorithm problem for years. I’d like you to try and solve it for me.”
Like… Dude, that’s not a reasonable interview question! You should not use algorithm questions that you don’t know of any answer to in an interview. You’re effectively asking someone to give you a solution to something way too complicated of a problem without even a few hours to think about the problem or sit down with it on their own.
That sounds suspiciously like doing actual work for them.
I had one interview where they literally got me to fix their Sendmail server while I was there.
I seriously hope you got the job.
I did.
I was there 5 months before heading back to grad school.
Oh god I’ve had an open ended one like that only once, and you’re right it’s terrible. Those questions would be great things to tackle as a team of peers where you’re all working together without the pressure, but dude you hold our careers in your hands. Pull it together
Aren’t most questions like this are simply looking at what approach you try and not a solution? They’ve been at it for years so they can easily tell if you’re trying something that makes sense or something trivial even if they don’t have a solution or even if there isn’t one.
The problem is you’re effectively leaving “can I program and work through the kinds of tasks this job entails” and entering “how do you work through a complex theoretical research topic” land.
White board questions should be relative softballs related to the work you’re actually doing to see how you think… Now that’s often forgon for “welcome to a game of algorithm and data structure trivia!” but this is just a much more extreme version of that.
Also if you don’t actually know the answer, how can you judge the direction? Even if you do know the answer for a problem that complicated, can you say the interviewee isn’t solving the problem in a novel and possibly better way?
I presume he was looking for specific terms like DAWG (directed acyclic word graph) and things like that as well… Which I know because he would teach me the names of things as I slowly rediscovered them in conversation. Personally, I don’t put much stock in grading someone on their knowledge of obscure data structures and algorithms either.
When I give interviews, I’m more concerned with the process than the results for some questions. I don’t really do it any more, but I’d sometimes ask one question not related to programming or anything on their CV just to see how someone works through a situation given a little bit of a curveball.
Sorry, but the answer we were looking for is “I’ll need to work on this over the weekend.” That’ll be all for today. We’ll call you.
Sometimes you don’t have to solve it but instead ask them about what approaches they tried so far and suggest a new one. Just showing interest
Not the interview itself, but… I had a personality test before the interview and it felt so fucked up. There were always two completely different statements of, at least to me, questionable morals. Like “I enjoy people’s envy of me having better things” and “In social situations, the conversation should only be about me”. Stuff like that, but not only egoistic statements. Then you had a single scale under the two statements which went from “describes me” to “describes me very well”, for both statements, no neutral option. Stated time was like 10 minutes, I took it like in an hour. An hour of having to think through if I should say that “not having sympathy for an abandoned dog describes me” because the other option was more horrible. Felt fucking traumatized after that.
It got me the interview, but not the job.
You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?
Why did I flip it on its back in the first place? If I was the sort of person to do that, it would be consistent with the behaviour of not turning it back over, but I don’t think I am.
That is a very logical way of replying to someone telling you you’re the sort of person to flip a turtle. In other words, found the replicant.
Because there’s some tortoise torturing dickhead narrating a fake story about me
A tortoise? What’s that?
You know what a turtle is? Same thing.
a) you hate tortoises,
b) you don’t want to burn your fingers on the tortoise, and you also hate tortoises.source of this moovie scene
(thanks to GPT 4-o ; i could not fully recal the scene)
This story is a well-known scene from the film “Blade Runner,” directed by Ridley Scott and released in 1982. The character Tyrell poses this question to the replicant Leon as a test to explore his empathy and moral reasoning. The tortoise metaphorically represents vulnerability and the moral obligation to help those in need.
Guess they were looking for sociopaths for that position.
Please share the company name.
It was the Swedish social insurance agency with these parts of the recruitment process probably outsourced to the lowest bidder.
Imagine if you just had to scroll down to get to the other options like “Does not describe me”, and they are still talking about "The biggest psychopath we’ve ever interviewed - just out of morbid curiosity. "
I fucking hate these “personality assessments”. This is from one I just took the other day. One of around 50 questions.
Holy shit, I kind of love that actually. I wouldn’t love to see it on an interview I’m doing, but that it exists and someone somewhere believes that the answer you provide for that will give them some kind of insight into your value as an employee?
As the interviewee?
I show up at their office for a round of interviews. IIRC it was 4 interviews of about an hour each. Every single interviewer comes in 5-10 minutes late. They all look completely exhausted. Unprompted, they all commented that “yeah, this is a start-up so we’re expected to work 80 hour weeks. That’s just how it is.” I did not take that job.
Another place wanted to do a coding “pre-screening” thing. You know, where you go to a website and there’s a coding question and you code it and submit your answer. THIS place wanted you to install an extension that took full control of your browser, your webcam, your mic, etc. So it could record you doing the coding challenge. No, thank you.
As the interviewer? omg, the stories I can tell.
We had a guy come in for an hour interview. We start asking him the normal interview questions. Literally everything he says is straight up wrong or he says, “I don’t know” and then just gives up and doesn’t try to work out a solution or anything. But we have a whole hour with this guy and as interviewers we’ve been instructed to use the full hour otherwise candidates complain that they weren’t given a fair chance even when it’s TOTALLY obvious it’s going to be a “no-hire.” So we start asking this guy easier and easier questions… just giving him basic softball questions… and HE STILL GETS THEM ALL WRONG. We ask him what type of variable would you use to store a number? He says, “String.” WHAT?! I’m totally flabbergasted at this point. So finally I get a brilliant idea: I’ll ask him an OPINION question! There’s no way he can get that wrong, right? Looking at his resume, it has something like “Java Expert” on there. So I say to him, “It says on your resume you’re a Java Expert. What’s your favorite thing about Java?” His response? “Oh, I actually don’t know anything about Java. I just put that on my resume because I know they used that at a previous company.” So now on top of this guy getting every question wrong, we’ve established he has also lied on his resume, so basically just red flags EVERYWHERE. Finally, after a grueling 45 minutes we decide to give up asking questions and just end with the whole, “So we like to reserve the last bit of time so you can ask us questions. Do you have anything you’d like to ask?” Without missing a beat, this guy goes, “When do I start? I feel like I NAILED that interview!”
At another company I worked at, we would do online interviews that took only an hour. The coding portion of the interview had a single question: “Given a list of strings, print the contents of the list to the screen.” That was it. Sure, we could make the coding question harder if they totally aced it, but the basic question was nothing more complicated than that. The candidate could even choose which programming language they wanted to use for the task. That single question eliminated half the candidates who applied for the job. Some straight up said they couldn’t do it. One person hung up on me and then when I tried to call back they said the fire alarm went off at their place and they would reschedule. They never did. Many people forgot that I could see their screens reflected in their glasses and I could see them frantically Googling. There was one candidate that did so insanely poorly during the interview that we believe it must have been a completely different person that had gone through the initial phone screen, so basically they were trying to bait-and-switch.
I have a bunch of other stories but this post is already getting quite long.
Unprompted, they all commented that “yeah, this is a start-up so we’re expected to work 80 hour weeks. That’s just how it is.”
lol I’m walking out the minute they say that.
Seriously. There’s no way I would continue 3 or 4 more hours after that comment.
I’m genuinely terrible at not falling for sunk costs and have a bad habit of just letting inertia take me.
But unless you’re offering me 100k a week (in which case I’ll work for maybe a month before burning out), I’m not working a fucking 80 hour week.
At the time it was like watching a train wreck. This was much earlier in my career and I was like, “there’s just no way, right?”
I did get lunch out of it.
I resonate with so many of these. I hate the tech prescreen, but morons, cheaters, and liars make it necessary. The prescreen is purely there to weed out a good, like you said well over 50% of candidates right there.
And I’ll throw a thorn at you, I do store numbers as strings… When I’m dealing with currency lol. I’m 100% sure that’s what he meant of course, because he was thinking about float precision and how you wouldn’t want to risk currency imprecision during serialization or anything! Should have given them the job! /s
“Given a list of strings, print the contents of the list to the screen.”
or if you want to get fancy:
print(", ".join(stringlist))
When do I start? I feel like I nailed it.
lol. I kid you not, someone did that. Then completely imploded when I pointed out that it’d just print the object reference and not the list contents.
Can you start next Monday? :p
Now I need more details, you said they can use whatever language they want, if you do
in python it will print something like["first string", "second string"]
and not an object reference.