What are your worst interviews you’ve done? I’m currently going through them myself and want to hear what others are like. Dijkstras algorithm on the whiteboard? Binary Search? My personal favorite “I don’t see anything wrong with your architecture, but I’m not a fan of X language/framework so I have to call that out”

Let me hear them!

(Non programmers too please jump in with your horrid interviews, I’m just very fed up with tech screens)

  • @[email protected]
    94 hours ago

    TBH a take home assignment as a .doc file would have been enough for me to pass. Even when going through resumes (for technical roles), i usually skip anything that’s not a PDF.

    • @Nibodhika
      43 hours ago

      In hindsight that should have been enough, but at the time I didn’t want to discard a possibly good candidate because of that (reasoning that maybe he had some reason for it). Being subject to SQL injections also is not the end of the world, everyone makes mistakes. Not realizing it even after me pointing the line could also be overlooked as “we need to train this person”. But insisting that there isn’t even after the interviewer tells you there is, means you don’t want to learn, and at that point I can’t help you.