If we can avoid massive collective issues that would be appreciated as there is very little agency the individual has to address those and that helpless ess can often extend to the more solvable individual matters we all grapple with but also occasionally rise to conquer.

  • Monster
    43 hours ago

    I’ve been living with my parents for almost 2 years now after graduating from university. Now, I have a job that pays me just enough to live off of and I’ve been wanting to move back to the city where I lived for University. But, my situation is as follows that prevents me from doing so. My dad has a condition, one of the worst conditions you can get, you can probably guess what it is and please don’t say what it is because I don’t like the word. Because of this, my dad can no longer work, and my mom has been trying to find work so I’m taking care of things. And, because of this condition, home life isn’t as great as it used to be and my mental health has deteriorated to nearly nothing. I don’t know what to do and how to get everything back to normal. I’ve been looking for apartments but how can I leave in good consciousness knowing what I’m leaving? I’m stuck and I cannot move literally and figuratively.

    • @[email protected]
      148 minutes ago

      What about moving out to a nearby apartment? That way you can still be close to help your parents but have your own space to retreat to.

    • @cheese_greaterOP
      23 hours ago

      So shouldn’t he apply for disabillity or something? Not to be unkind but you can’t keep your parents warm by setting yourself on fire.

      home life isn’t as great as it used to be

      Are they making it that way, like do they act manipulatively or threaten you or harm you in any way?

      • Monster
        33 hours ago

        They’re working on it. I think maybe something may happen with it by the end of this month? And don’t worry, I know I’m burning myself to warm them. I’m trying to fix that a bit. No, it’s not me that’s the target. The condition is straining all of our emotions and things are just in general not as happy anymore.