If we can avoid massive collective issues that would be appreciated as there is very little agency the individual has to address those and that helpless ess can often extend to the more solvable individual matters we all grapple with but also occasionally rise to conquer.

  • @[email protected]
    136 minutes ago

    I would like to force my Luba 2 robotic mower to mow steeper terrain (almost 45 degrees). The main problem is wheel slipperiness. Current ideas:

    • some kind of net in that area for better grip
    • making wheels rougher (eg with nails).
    • rope that would constantly pull it uphill to counter force of gravity.
  • @makeshiftreaper
    136 minutes ago

    I’m fed up with streaming platforms and want to turn an old PC into a pirate movie streaming server. It’d be nice to have a detailed guide on what services to use, how to get it to stream to devices, and how to set up a VPN. I assume a Linux distro makes the most sense but I have no platform alleigence. I’m generally pretty competent with computers but I’d like the guide to assume I know nothing about Linux, because I my only experience is with my steam deck

  • wellDuuh
    6 minutes ago

    TL-DR: I want dual axis solar array on my hiace rooftop


    This video clearly states the advantage of having this feature on your solar, gives you more than 8 hrs of peak power (8:00 - 17:00) with a comparatively small surface area (perfect for space-concious application), compared to about 5 hrs laying it down flat (10:00 - 15:00)

    And yes, I get it. A 30% increase in energy collection daily isn’t significant to justify the maintenance that can come with actuation.

    But as a guy living in a van full-time, 30% is the difference between having 2 ceiling fans on for an hr and 5 hrs through the night. Yap, full blast, it’s hot here.

    Further more; this video show-cases the single axis solar array, Then I started wondering, if it reaches high noon, this guy will have to I dunno, turn his car around? So that the solar panels can actuate another way around.

    Surely there is a solution to this somewhere… right?

  • @[email protected]
    1 hour ago

    I wanna build a fun NN that takes as input an image of your face, and outputs your predicted weight.

    If the prediction is wrong, you enter the real answer and then it will use your face and your real weight for the next round of training

    I just really want to know if it’s possible to guess someone’s weight by their face, and think it could be a fun exercise.

    It’d also be fun to see what features it extracts at various layers (e.g. age, cheek sag, double chin, eye sink, etc.)

    • @cheese_greaterOP
      12 hours ago

      Where do you live if you’re comfortable sharing?

        • wellDuuh
          247 minutes ago

          Cause f*** you why not Lol