• @[email protected]
    4 hours ago

    Then you’re making an emotional decision based on refusing to accept anything less than perfect, and since perfection is not an option in this election, and because not voting is essentially a vote that trump doesn’t have to counter, abstaining voters are proportionally more helpful to trump than they are to Harris.

    • @[email protected]
      4 hours ago

      Then you’re making an emotional decision based on refusing to accept anything less than perfect

      You can continue making practical decisions based on accepting killing innocent people. I’ll be over here waiting for people like you to notice what you’re doing. Maybe when you are one of the innocent people being killed you will decide it’s not acceptable?

      • @[email protected]
        124 hours ago

        You need to realise that the world is not black and white - it exists in shades of grey where nobody gets everything they want, and have to accept compromise for the greater good. You seem to be stuck in a mental state where you can’t bring yourself to vote for a party that isn’t offering a perfect world to you, and you must get past that and look at the bigger picture, and the impact of disgruntled blue voters staying home in protest. If trump wins, your protest will have contributed to that win, and you’ll have to live with that.

        • @[email protected]
          4 hours ago

          If trump wins, your protest will have contributed to that win, and you’ll have to live with that.

          No, I promise you, I won’t. Me living with being in a world where killing innocent people is politically acceptable is far more harmful than the guilt I will feel on Trump winning. This is because my protest is not contributing anything to that win whatsoever. You might as well ask me to feel unhappy that the moon has craters when I - as far as I can tell - am not a large mass hurtling through space that has hit the moon.

          If Trump wins, then that will simply show that enough Americans want to hurt innocent people. As is shown by America being a country which finds itself unable to strongly counter IDF terrorism visited upon Palestinians.

          I will be sad, but I won’t be completely surprised.

          I say it again: my protest will have no effect on Trump winning.
          My protest will also have no effect on innocent lives being taken. This is because we live in a morally grey world, where people can rationalise harming innocent people as an acceptable byproduct of doing business. After all, the price of compromise for me getting a better candidate is allowing brown strangers to die. Doesn’t that sound great? I deserve more than them. I’m not brown, after all! It’s their fault for being born where they are.
          And, finally, my protest will have no effect on Trump winning.

          • @[email protected]
            104 hours ago

            You’re quite mistaken about that. You will be responsible for trump if you had the option to vote against him and chose not to do so.

            • @[email protected]
              4 hours ago

              You’re quite mistaken about that. You will be responsible for trump

              I promise you, my protest against killing innocent people will have no effect on Trump winning. You might be seeing things in black and white.

              • @[email protected]
                3 hours ago

                Well in that case, despite my attempts to educate you, you’re simply delusional, and I’m not saying that to insult you - I really want to help you see the bigger picture here - I’m saying it because you’re suffering from delusion, and you’re not seeing the world for what it is. You are so focused on “punishing” the dems for not blocking aid to Israel (and to that point, I strongly recommend you read the comment below at https://lemmy.nz/post/15784628/11773697 as to why it isn’t as simple as you might think), that you’re willing to throw away what could be a deciding vote - the polls right now are so even that even a few hundred votes in the right places could throw the election the other way. Perhaps you live in a solid blue state, where you expect Harris to win regardless of how you vote, but when you post comments such as yours on a public forum, other people are going to read them, and be influenced, and if your post makes someone stop and think ‘hmm… you know what, I don’t agree with Biden’s actions, so I’m going to abstain and punish them’, and those voters are in swing states, then your actions will have had consequences. Your anger is preventing you from being able to see the bigger picture.

                As for your comment that I’m seeing things in black and white, you couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m not even an American, so I literally have no vote here, but the outcome of this election will have global consequences that will impact me, and that’s why I’m keen for common sense to prevail, and for Harris to win. That’s why, all things considered, and despite objections I may have to Biden, or even Harris’s policies as they impact the rest of the world, the alternative, where Trump wins another term, simply does not bear thinking about.

                • @[email protected]
                  3 hours ago

                  I promise you, my protest against killing innocent people will have no effect on Trump winning. You might be seeing things in black and white. I don’t know why you can’t take me at my word.


                  that’s why I’m keen for common sense to prevail, and for Harris to win

                  I’m not fond of a ‘common sense’ which allows for the killing of innocents. Can we please establish a ‘common sense’ which agrees that killing innocent people is wrong? Reducing harm is great, I agree, but not from a benchmark of ‘still kill innocent people’. That is simply not acceptable.

                  Also, to some people ‘common sense’ is to vote for a fascist. It’s what people want. If enough people want that in a democratic system, what are you going to do? ‘Common sense’ won’t help, if it is ‘common’ enough to ‘sense’ that fascism is good.

                  • @[email protected]
                    53 hours ago

                    Perhaps ‘common sense’ was a poor choice of terminology there, because it’s often far from common, or sensible, and I suspect your idea of common sense would differ from mine. in any case.

                    That said, what I meant by the term was that if you look at the bigger picture, instead of fixating on one aspect, you’ll see that there are so many other factors to consider here - woman’s rights, lgbtq recognition, racism, sexism, work class quality of life, minimum wage, unions, and so much more, and that every single one of those would become worse under a trump presidency, for everyone except methheads with guns, and the disgustingly-wealthy. I’m going to assume that you’re not in either of those groups.

                  • @Thrillhouse
                    3 hours ago

                    Who exactly do you think is sending arms to Israel? Who is rubber stamping the budget? There are several actors involved in this dance including the Republican House of Representatives and the military industrial complex.

                    Russia is killing innocent people and will kill many more when Trump “ends the war in Ukraine” by giving Russia Ukraine. Trump will give Gaza and likely Lebanon to Netanyahu. So because innocent people have been killed you’re like whoa, guess I gotta step back and advocate for the terrible perspective of not voting at all, a stance that is supported by propaganda actors backing a Trump win.

                    Evil includes seeing evil being done and choosing to do nothing, and advocating for the side of doing nothing.

          • @[email protected]
            32 hours ago

            You can tell yourself that but it doesn’t change the reality that you will have directly contributed to Trump’s victory, and the elimination of the Palestinian people (and as anyone who knows anything about WW2 will tell you: genocides can get worse).

            • @[email protected]
              -12 hours ago

              You can tell yourself that but it doesn’t change the reality that you will have directly contributed to Trump’s victory

              I promise you, that is not possible.