• @RangerJosie
    214 months ago

    By the Authority of Night Shift Gremlins HQ thatericalper is hereby stripped of their Night Shift Membership for sharing classified information with Day Walkers. They are also expelled from all Nocturnal Activities under pain of Pain. Should they be seen engaging in nocturnal activity outside of their personal domicile all Night Shift Gremlins in witness are obligated under article 13 subsection Scarlet-7-Mentos-19 to use all necessary force to cease the offending nocturnal activity and return the offender to a NSG approved Class-3 holding cell where they will be held until daybreak when an automated system will release them into the light of day where they rightfully belong. Repeated violations will incur severe non-life threatening yet highly inconvenient punishments.

    Thus is our way.

    Fuck the Sun. Shun the Day Walkers.

    /signed, Thadious Methweazel. Adjunct Arch-Gremlin.