A federal judge has continued to block the head of Florida’s health department from taking any more steps to threaten TV stations that air commercials for an abortion rights measure on next week’s ballot.
Then the state uses their taxpayers money to try to block the taxpayers ability to vote on it. Sends police to knock on peoples doors who signed a petition to ensure they could vote on it, and also tries to word the ballot measure in any confusing manners to get their way.
Leave it up to the states meant let’s divide the population so we can conquer them in parts until we get our way without reguard for what the people want at all.
“Leave it up to the states”
Then the state uses their taxpayers money to try to block the taxpayers ability to vote on it. Sends police to knock on peoples doors who signed a petition to ensure they could vote on it, and also tries to word the ballot measure in any confusing manners to get their way.
Leave it up to the states meant let’s divide the population so we can conquer them in parts until we get our way without reguard for what the people want at all.
“Leave it up to the states. Until we get federal control!”