• ViperActual
    1014 months ago

    I truly wish we had more politicians that behave in this manner. It should never boil down to my political party versus yours. There shouldn’t be any sides to governing this country.

    • @LordCrom
      484 months ago

      Don’t you miss the days where presidentak candidates stood up for each other … When GOP McCain defended Obama against outlandish rumors he was a secret Muslim. Seems like those days are long gone.

      • @GreenKnight23
        374 months ago

        That’s because none of the candidates were Russian assets.

        In this election it’s almost as if all of them are Russian assets except one.

        • @rottingleaf
          -274 months ago

          Except RFK, right? Right? Or maybe except Bernie?

          I mean, OK, Kamala is not an asset, she’s an equal partner. Trump is an asset.

          And “Russian” should be replaced with some international network of thieves and murderers.

          • @GreenKnight23
            104 months ago

            You guys keep popping up.

            Keep the shit talk coming, it just makes it easier to block you.

      • @AA5B
        54 months ago

        Like just a couple days ago when Sanders stood up for Harris about the Gaza situation?

    • GladiusB
      164 months ago

      I think people should behave in this manner and we would live in a better world.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        Imagine if we banned parties. Made lobbying illegal and funded all of the campaigns for qualified members paid for by the government. Encouraging government figures to campaign less as it saves taxes for their constituates.

        • BigAssFan
          14 months ago

          No way that government will have a majority to make this happen anytime soon. Interesting idea though.

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            If you want to hear a really dumb but interesting one. A while back I joked about a reality TV show where government figures participated and we got retired presidents/governors/advisors to go on and give situations/lectures where they collected how the participants would react in the situations, then reviewed what real life events it actually correlated to and what response(s) were actually taken, and discuss why they were good/bad ideas. Thus actually educating the up and coming members with real life scenarios and letting the public slowly learn more about the cause/effects of each members actions while also showing what decisions the members would want to take if ever elected.

            Many would lie obviously as they would lean pro populous on the show, and end up still being pro corporations when elected though, so it wouldn’t end up being so good in practice.

            …but it would be the first ever reality TV show I would want to watch. Also gives an opportunity for retired officials to make income post office so they don’t have to assume once out of office they have no hire-ability, making a bribe in office less life changing.

            Imagine hiring a president or governor at your local anything… It can’t really happen.

    • @postmateDumbass
      24 months ago

      If the country has to lose for your party to win, does it really count?