Summary: Author Michael Wolff alleges that Jeffrey Epstein showed him photos of Donald Trump with topless young women at Epstein’s Palm Beach home. Trump’s campaign has denied the claims, calling Wolff a “disgraced” writer. Wolff also expressed skepticism about Epstein’s death, suggesting it was implausible but also questioning the possibility of a cover-up.

  • @saltesc
    4 months ago

    Not that I support the guy at all, but you lot really need to stop saying “this is definite” and “it is fact” every time there’s an allegation made about something you don’t like. Not just Trump; anything. Unless you are one, y’all need to save that kind of dumb shit for dumb people, even if you like what you’re hearing.

    Take Trump out of it for a second. This is literally a scenario of…

    "A guy says a dead guy did a thing that makes another guy look bad, right before a big event involving that other guy "

    Could be true. Could be not true. It’s hardly the kind of information that should be landing a half-competent mind onto a decision.

    • @cogman
      214 months ago

      Well, I’ll just add that even if this is true it will sway nobody.

      Trump is a rapist caught on tape bragging about how easy it is to assault women. Very few Trump supporters are unaware of this fact and yet that are still Trump supporters.

      That he’s assaulted women simply isn’t newsworthy for his fascist followers. He’s hurting the right people and that’s all that matters to them.

      Sadly, about the only thing he could do to lose support would be to insult his followers or the USA. They’ll forgive him for pretty much anything else, including rape and murder.

    • Hegar
      124 months ago

      Take Trump out of it for a second

      But then it becomes a completely different scenario.

      Trump has repeatedly admitted to molesting women, he’s bragged about forcing his way into women’s locker rooms, he joked openly and without judgement of epstein’s love of kids, he has scores of sexual assault allegations, he has enough money and clout to cover up his rapes and he’s been convicted of illegally covering up legal but embarrassing sexual encounters.

      Trump has definitely molested children, it is a fact. It’s literally beyond a shadow of a doubt.

      • @saltesc
        4 months ago

        What you’re after is news pieces that confirm your position. Dangerous.

        then it becomes a completely different scenario.

        No. No it does not.

        At the end of the day…

        A guy is saying a dead guy did a thing that makes another guy look bad, right before a big event involving that other guy.

        Literally, this is “Trust me, bro.”

        Be it Trump, Elmo, or a box of Skittles, this preface does not change. Acknowledge that first, then you can go start conversations about Trump molestations as much as you like.

        Don’t be like a red hatter and get caught in echo chambers.

        • Hegar
          74 months ago

          that affirm your position.

          I’m looking for news that affirms reality. Trump’s public record words and actions already left no doubt that he’s molested children. This writer’s credible but unsourced account is just to remind people that trump has molested children, something that most people realize from trump’s words, actions, associates attitude.

          When something looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, hangs out with ducks, eats bread at the park, and admits in public and private to being a duck - it’s unreasonable to argue that we can’t assume it’s a duck.

          • @saltesc
            4 months ago

            Im looking for news that affirms reality.

            You…affirm your reality…by looking forr news…that does so?

            With the intent and purpose of rational thought, it’s supposed to be the other way around.. In by doing this, it is the premise of “fact checking” and the antithesis of misinformation.

            That’s how reality, by definition, works. A statement is made. We look to confirm it. It is real if confirmed. You don’t look for statements to confirm a hypothesis and say, “Well, that’s my reality.”

            What you just said is no different to stating that you look for Google results that back up what you want to hear…

            Are you trying to prove my point for me?

            Trump’s public record words and actions already left no doubt that he’s molested children. This writer’s credible but unsourced account is just to remind people that trump has molested children, something that most people realize from trump’s words, actions, associates attitude.

            That’s unrelated to anything I’ve said and I don’t know why you thought I’d want to hear it.

            When something looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, hangs out with ducks, eats bread at the park, and admits in public and private to being a duck - it’s unreasonable to argue that we can’t assume it’s a duck.

            That’s an unrelated example of abductive reasoning. Again, I don’t know why you picked me to share that with. If it bears any relation to what I’ve said, it’s irony in that by saying it, you’re proving my point further.

    • @Outhouse_dayz
      34 months ago

      Thank you for being a wise thoughtful person, im canadian so it doesn’t matter how I feel, just wanted tonsay it’s nice to see some civility here

    • @Doomsider
      -24 months ago

      Duur let’s remove the statement from the context to prove I am not afraid to use logic to defend a pedophile. You do understand how fucking tone death this is.

      • @argarath
        34 months ago

        You didn’t seem to understand that workout proof we can’t accuse trump, even tho he is a horrible piece of shit that deserves to rot in jail. As much as I’d love to see him get arrested and imprisoned, we cannot simply take someone’s word that someone else did those horrible things, otherwise trump would have already made all of his enemies go to jail with his stupid bullshit accusations. I also think that trump very very likely did those things, but for the justice system we need proof, and someone saying that someone else did something isn’t proof, it’s hearsay and not taken as evidence by law

        • @Doomsider
          -14 months ago

          Oh sure its the law, logic, or whatever fucked up reason you have in your head. I just see a pedophile defender. Pick a different hill unless, you know, birds of a feather…

          • @argarath
            14 months ago

            Doomsidee has sent me a video in which they are obviously molesting a child, I won’t share it but they def did it and you should believe me 100%!!

            I’ll repeat my stance towards trump in a more clear language so you understand: I want trump in jail for his crimes, including his sexual crimes.

            The issue here is that we need actual evidence, proof that he did that crime to be able to accuse him, or else this same comment is proof enough that you are a rapist, and we don’t want that, what we want is trump in jail, not to give him or others like him the power to put anyone they want in jail. Do you remember what the right wingers keep shouting about trans people, immigrants and everyone else they disagree with? If we do what you want with trump what is stopping them from being able to do the same with us?

            I’ll say once more to try and get it though you, I want trump in jail for his many many maaaaaaaaany crimes INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY for his sexual crimes, but we need to do it following the law, which needs actual proof, not just hearsay.

            • @Doomsider
              4 months ago

              Argarath dies on the hill for defending pedophiles because “logic”.

              It was strange that Argarath choose this fate but some people can’t help themselves. That is why I suggest you donate to NALRWCHDOTHFP today

              The National Association of Logical Retards Who Can’t Help Dying On The Hill For Pedophiles works with individuals like Argarath everyday to prevent this tragic mistake.

              NALRWCHDOTHFP helps these individuals see that even if they are right, they shouldn’t be commenting an articles about pedophiles. After all, you can be right and you can be dead right.

              Music plays in memory of Argarath.

    • sepi
      -54 months ago

      “A guy said some dead guy did something he is known for doing, like a lot” has some measure of credibility with the common person on the street.

      You must be one of the special ones.

      • @[email protected]
        94 months ago

        That’s just confirmation bias. You assume it’s true because it makes sense given other things you know.

        If I make up a fact that you are a technology enthusiast, people can assume it’s true, you are using Lemmy, it makes sense. And it might be true, but it doesn’t change the fact I completely made it up.

      • Lightor
        24 months ago

        It makes it more possible but still proves nothing.

      • @saltesc
        24 months ago

        Why, thank you!

        You’re pretty special yourself! 🌟

        Love this community.

        • @Doomsider
          4 months ago

          Oh wow the passive aggressiveness is palpable. I bet you are the life of the party!

          • @saltesc
            14 months ago

            Quite often, yes. I’m very extroverted, and have an exhaustingly large network of friends. I get invited to things by people I’m not that close with because I’m fun and entertaining.

            It can be very exhausting if I’m down in the dumps, but generally it’s great. I have a lot of people in life that care for me and I give back to them how I can.