• @mlg
    144 months ago

    Never even mentioned Republicans.

    My point is she spent her entire campaign ignoring this problem until literally the last minute.

    People already voted on Sunday in Michigan. Even if you think this would have changed people’s minds, she could have said it 2 days ago and still had more effect.

    • @leadore
      124 months ago

      Bullshit, she’s been saying basically that same sequence of lines, starting with the convention speech (maybe even before but I don’t remember), at rallies and in some interviews. I think her saying it with protesters shouting at the rally made the media hype it up a bit more, but what she said yesterday is pretty much the same lines she’s used on the topic the whole campaign.

      The only variation has been the first few words. She started out with “Now is the time to …blah blah blah” to “I will work hard to … blah blah” to now “I will do everything in my power to …blah blah”. After that intro phrase, the rest of the lines have been the same every time.