
Donald Trump is likely to claim victory on election night, despite the vote count possibly extending over several days.

Early tallies may lean Republican, reflecting in-person votes, while absentee ballots counted later may shift toward Democrats, creating a “blue shift.”

Key states like Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, and Nevada may take extra time to declare results due to laws and ballot processing delays.

Trump might exploit early Republican leads to allege fraud.

  • @[email protected]
    44 months ago

    Toffler inspired science fiction writer John Brunner.

    Brunner’s book ‘Stand On Zanzibar’ won the 1969 Best Science Fiction Novel. It’s set in the early 21st Century. He followed Toffler’s ideas and it’s scary how many things he got right.

    • anon6789
      44 months ago

      Stand on Zanzibar (1968) is set in 2010, at a time when population pressure has led to widening social divisions and political extremism. Despite the threat of terrorism, U.S. corporations like General Technics are booming, thanks to a supercomputer named Shalmaneser. China is America’s new rival. Europe has united. Brunner also foresees affirmative action, genetic engineering, Viagra, Detroit’s collapse, satellite TV, in-flight video, gay marriage, laser printing, electric cars, the de-criminalization of marijuana, and the decline of tobacco. There is even a progressive president (albeit of Beninia, not America) named “Obomi”.

      Have we ruled him out as a time traveler? 😆

      I’ll have to add this to my reading list. Thanks!