A semicolon after “youth” will help keep it clear.

  • @Usernamealreadyinuse
    294 months ago

    Ok, so there is an advertising agency that is paid a lot of money…

    And apparently accepted by someone who made the order…

    And they both thought, this is a good idea

    • @[email protected]
      294 months ago

      If my time consulting is anything to go off of…

      The agency provided several options. The client liked 3 of them and wanted them all smooshed together.

      Client opened up the agency’s .pptx and moved some things around until they had this monstrosity and said “There! That’s what I want. See how easy that was? Why do we even pay you?”

      The designers quietly held back the urge to quit on the spot, but the lead said “Absolutely, that’s a great decision, we’ll have a final version for you tomorrow!” And the designers took great joy in delivering precisely what the client asked for.