Edit 12:11 PM 11/6 Pacific
Kentucky (8), Indiana (11), West Virginia (4), Florida (30), South Carolina (9), Tennessee (11), Alabama (9), Mississippi (6), Oklahoma (7), Arkansas (6), North Dakota (3), South Dakota (3), Nebraska (4*), Wyoming (3), Louisiana (8), Texas (40), Ohio (17), Missouri (10), Montana (4), Utah (6), Idaho (4), Iowa (6), Kansas (6), North Carolina (BG-16), Georgia (BG-16), Pennsylvanya (BG-19), Wisconsin (10), Michigan (15), Maine (1*), Alaska (3), Arizona (11) and Nevada (6) called for Trump.

Vermont (3), Connecticut (7), District of Columbia (3), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), Rhode Island (4), Delaware (3), Illinois (19), New Jersey (14), New York (28), Colorado (10), California (54), Washington (12), Oregon (8), Virginia (13), Hawaii (4), New Mexico (5), New Hampshire (4), Minnesota (10), Nebraska (1*), Maine (3*) for Harris.

2 counties in PA have extended voting hours due to voting machine problems. 9:30 PM in one, 10:00 PM in the other.

Multiple precincts in Georgia have extended hours due to bomb threats.

Edit 03:09 PM Pacific Harris wins Guam.


This thread is for the Presidential election, my plan is to start marking wins as soon as they are called, sorted by time zone.

Some states are going to take longer than others. Polls generally close at 8 PM local time, but they can’t start counting early/mail in votes until after the polls close.

Wisconsin in particular has an interesting system where ballots are collected by MUNICIPALITY, not precinct, they have over 1,800 ballot counting locations and don’t report until ALL 1,800 are in.


Currently 226 EC votes from Blue States:

4+19+10+7+3+3+4+10+11 +4+14+28+4+3+13+54+12 +10+5+8+6

NC called for Trump. -16 here, +16 to Trump.

GA called for Trump. -16 here, +16 to Trump.

PA called for Trump. -19 here, +19 to Trump.

AZ and NV both called for Trump, +11, +6

Which leaves 312 EC votes in Red States.

9+6+6+6+8+6+10+5+3+7 +3+40+30+11+8+17+9+11+4+3+4+4+3+16+16+19+11+6

270 to Win.

Online map here!


  • @[email protected]
    544 months ago

    Well damn. This is as much a referendum on the character of America. What a searing indictment that it’s even close at all.

    • @Hobbes_Dent
      124 months ago

      This is as much a referendum on the character of America. What a searing indictment that it’s even close at all.

      Exactly. No matter who wins.

    • IninewCrow
      114 months ago

      I call it a general intelligence test for the nation … and even before its over, everyone already failed.

      • @GhostTheToast
        54 months ago

        No, 50% of America failed the test. The rest of us did our part

        • IninewCrow
          04 months ago

          Nah … you’re lumped into the whole mess like everyone else. None of you who think you did your part spoke out enough or made your voice heard enough not just at this election but in every moment in between elections when complete stupidity was being presented as the norm.

          You deserve what you get because you didn’t fight hard enough for what you wanted.

          It’s so disappointing that the rest of us in the world all have to deal with your stupidity.

          • @idiomaddict
            44 months ago

            None of you who think you did your part spoke out enough or made your voice heard enough not just at this election but in every moment in between elections when complete stupidity was being presented as the norm.

            You hear that, pregnant women who are now going to die, trans youth, and minorities or any kind? Ininewcrow thinks you’re to blame for your own demise, no matter how you voted.