The US seems to turn red. While I am living in Europe I am already wondering where I should go. Is there somewhere in this world where being LGBTQ is not a constant battle and where it will likely stay that way? Because typically the insanity coming from the US swaps over to EU and many states here are already on their way to fascism on their own.

  • @Droggelbecher
    234 months ago

    As far as a can tell, Germany and Sweden are undergoing similar shifts to the right as the Netherlands.

    • @[email protected]
      54 months ago

      Calling it a shift isn’t accurate at least for sweden, i’d more say that the right has become more extreme.
      To the point that even other right wingers keep having to tell the far right party to knock it down a peg, or just straight up fuck off.

      The social democrats have sat quite stably at above 30% of the votes for a long while now, and nowadays the 4th largest party is the Left Party which is explicitly socialist.
      And in the EU elections the Greens got third place, over the far right party.