• @small44
    94 months ago

    The colonizer is the bad guy and the colonized in the good guy. It’s that simple

    • @sailingbythelee
      04 months ago

      This is a lazy and simplistic worldview. Every single square mile of land has been colonized, conquered, re-conquered, and conquered again. In other words, every culture has been both colonizer and colonized. Human migration has been occurring since time immemorial, and human migration generally means displacing whomever was there before. It is often a chain reaction, where one migration causes another, causes another, ad infinitum throigh history. In the most dramatic situations we sometimes label it genocide, but usually it’s more of a slow blending of cultures (and genes) over time.

      • Jerkface (any/all)
        44 months ago

        carrying water for colonialism even though you probably don’t even benefit from it. why do people act like this. like conservative working class people who keep voting for tax cuts for the rich, as though they are “temporarily inconvenienced millionaires”.

        • @sailingbythelee
          04 months ago

          Look at the result of the US election and tell me why you think it is beneficial to promulgate this simplistic colonizer/colonized, oppressor/oppressed narrative. It is no longer useful. Identity politics has become the new McCarthyism of the left. I am on the left, and I want us to extract our heads from our collective asses and start talking about things that matter to non-indoctrinated people.

          • Jerkface (any/all)
            4 months ago

            I genuinely don’t see what one has to do with another. Colonialism is an expression of capitalism. It’s the same shit, it’s just a way of describing a slightly different colour of shit. Canada was created to DO colonialism: to extract value from natural and human resources in this geographical area, and transfer that value to private/corporate ownership. Our government was created and to this day fundamentally exists to facilitate that transfer. It’s not even about First Nations anymore. We are all being exploited. Your white guilt is preventing you from seeing the reality you live in. This isn’t about turning you into a boogeyman, it’s about liberating ALL OF US.

            Why do you want to just pretend it isn’t a thing? Why do you stoop to defend it? You don’t bother explaining that.

            • @sailingbythelee
              24 months ago

              We live in a capitalist society in the West and it has delivered spectacular benefits to most of us, more so than any other economic model that’s been tried.The fundamental problem at the moment isn’t “colonialism”, it is that the balance of power in our capitalist society has shifted over time to benefit the rich more than the middle and bottom of the economic spectrum. From WW2 until about 1975, we had a pretty good balance, but real wage growth stalled after that. How do we fix that? By whinging about colonialism (in 2024!?!) and engaging in worthless and destructive zero-sum oppressor/oppressed victimhood identity politics? Fuck no. We need to shift the political balance in economics to something more reasonable. We need Bernie Sanders-type practical working class socialism, not academic champagne socialism that is obsessed with language policing and fantasy-based kumbaya communism.

      • @small44
        24 months ago

        This does not contradict what I said. When we was the occupied we was the good guy and when we were the occupied we became the bad guy

        • @sailingbythelee
          24 months ago

          When Germanic tribes invaded the Roman Empire because they were pushed West by the Mongols, were they the bad guys? When the Romans killed Germanic peoples to prevent them crossing the border, were the Romans the good guys? When illegal immigrants cross the US border in their literal millions to escape the poverty and oppression of central America, are they the bad guys? When the Anishnawbec tribes invaded the territory of the Sioux and expelled them because they were pushed West by the Algonquin, were they the bad guys? The Inuit killed the Dene who were encroaching on their territory because of starvation, were they the bad guys or were the Dene the bad guys? When Hannibal invaded Rome and killed thousands of Italians over several years and attempted to genocide Rome, was he the bad guy, or was Rome the bad guy when they subsequently invaded Carthage and ended the war once and for all? Who were more evil, the Arabs who bought Afrcian slaves, or the African tribes who kidnapped their own people and sold them to the Arabs? History is a series of actions and reactions, not a set of good guys and bad guys.

          • @small44
            14 months ago

            You are really calling mass illegal migration colonization? The only example of colonization you provided in Carthage vs roman and both was the bad guy because they was imperial powers fighting each other and it was Roman who ended up genociding Carthage in the 3rd punic war. I don’t compare evils, evil is evil no matter who is doing

            • @sailingbythelee
              04 months ago

              Sure. How do you imagine colonization actually happens? It is rarely a bunch of conquistadors invading and defeating the local population and then genociding them. It is almost always a long process of migration, perhaps punctuated by conflict and perhaps not. The Greeks founded colonies all over the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, some of which exist to this day. Not every colony becomes an overwhelming nation state. When various Germanic tribes invaded Rome at various times, they came and settled on Roman territory in their own little colonies, sometimes with authorization and sometimes not. When the first Europeans came to North America, they set up tiny little agricultural colonies and mostly had a peaceful (if awkward) coexistence with the local native tribes.

              Over time, though, the power balance may change and then the colonists may start to demand more control. If the original and the invading cultures aren’t compatible, or if resources are scarce, they may end up at war with each other. What you think of as “colonization” is the most extreme form where one side is so technologically superior and aggressive that the original inhabitants simply have no chance. The weaker culture is subsumed and perhaps even destroyed by the stronger one. But it rarely starts out that way. Colonization is a spectrum from small colonies within a larger dominant culture to extreme cases where the colonizing culture completely displaces the existing inhabitants, and everything in between.

              So, is it really as simple as good guys and bad guys? If you think so, think about it some more with a more objective and less doctrinaire lens.

              • @small44
                4 months ago

                The Germanic tribes didn’t impose their culture and laws and didn’t try to expulse the locals of that time. In opposition of European who tricked the native by looking friendly at first when the goal from the beginning was to take full control on their land. Same with the zionists who was pretty clear about their intentions. If I had a doctrinaire view, I wouldn’t admit Arabs evilness when they sold slaves as an Arab, i wouldn’t call Carthage an imperial power as a Tunisian.

                • @sailingbythelee
                  4 months ago

                  Yes, the Germanic tribes most certainly did eventually impose their culture and law on the Romans. Do you remember who sacked Rome in 410? It was Alaric of the Visigoths, which was a Germanic tribe. The Visigoths definitely imposed their laws, the Visigothic Code, when they could on the territories they colonized. And that was after a couple of hundred years of various Germanic tribes setting up relatively peaceful colonies in the Roman Empire. After they sacked Rome, they wanted to adopt the authority and prestige of the Roman Empire, so they became foederati, left Italy, and colonized southern Gaul. Then they colonized Spain by booting out another Germanic tribe, the Vandals, and imposing the Visigothic Code on the locals there. However, this weakened their position in Gaul, so the Franks came along and booted them out, imposing yet another culture and set of laws and creating the basis for modern France. Then the Arabs came along and defeated the Visigoths in Spain and imposed yet another culture and set of laws. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera ad infinitum for all of human history. So, remind me again who the bad guys and the good guys are?

                  Edit: And with regard to North America, I wouldn’t say that Europe colonized North America in any kind of organized way at all in the beginning. European countries competed with one another for land and trade, and many colonists were independents fleeing religious persecution in Europe. My first ancestor in North America was a poor French farmer who left Europe in 1650 because the nobility owned all the land in Europe and he didnt want to be a serf. He didn’t have some evil plan to trick the Indians and eventually take the whole continent. His small group of farmers didn’t even bring many women. My ancestor married a local native girl. He and his little group largely integrated with the native people. They got the benefits of French farming techniques and crops, and he got the benefits of a new family and culture and the know-how of the locals. Of course, the Church also came along an their motivation was to convert the natives, but from their perspective that was about saving souls (misguided as that was), not conquest and genocide. A while later, after many more Frenchmen had migrated to North America, the French nobility became more interested and the king decided that he would make a more serious claim, but even then he was mostly trying to keep the British out. The French largely remained allied with the natives. Eventually, it got to the point where North America was no longer just a source of furs and an outlet for unpopular religious minorities in Europe and colonization kicked into high gear. The natives were literally at the Stone Age level of technology – no metal-smelting, no written language, not even the wheel – so they simply had no ability to maintain their sovereignty and culture once the European machine really got going, so they got steam-rolled. Thats not even considering the terrible effects of being exposed to Old World diseases that they had zero immunity to. Modern estimates are that 90% of the indigenous population of North America died of various Old World diseases long before serious permanent colonial expansion began.

                  My point is, once again, that many people have been indoctrinated to a narrow, black-and-white view of colonization. It isn’t a separate thing from migration, it is one part of the continuum of migration. If you think of it on a continuum, it becomes hard to sustain the binary good vs. evil narrative that you seem to be stuck on.

      • @DarthJon
        -24 months ago

        It’s rare, but every now and then I find a voice of reason on this website. Thank you.

    • @[email protected]
      04 months ago

      Are you a colonizer too? Unless you’re 100% First Nations (you aren’t) then you are by your own logic a colonizer and doing harm.

      • @sailingbythelee
        54 months ago

        Even if they are 100% First Nations, their ancestors were also colonizers. First Nations tribes warred and displaced one another regularly.

      • @small44
        04 months ago

        May ancestors yes not people of my current country. Nobody is responsible of their ancestors wrong doing

    • @DarthJon
      -44 months ago

      In one single sentence you summed up everything wrong with the left and their perspective on Israel (not to mention the entire world).