Because you now did it to yourself.

  • @reka
    44 months ago

    Ok, but why not this but directed at hereditary wealth? obviously I guess mainly because it’s harder because they have capital and power to fight back.

    • @jacksilver
      54 months ago

      I mean that was one of the attacks nazis used against jews, they claimed they had a lot of wealth and were the cause of most Germans problems.

      The issue is Trump is wealthy and america is more willing to attack the underprivligied.

    • @leadore
      54 months ago

      Ok, but why not this but directed at hereditary wealth?

      Because they (Trump and propagandists both foreign and domestic) used the migrants and immigrants as scapegoats, which is the same as we will be seeing as more and more European countries also fall to fascism. It’s human nature that their followers blame the scapegoats as the cause of all their problems, and adore the wealthy as their betters who should be in charge.

    • Encrypt-Keeper
      34 months ago

      Who it’s directed at depends on who that man says are the ones responsible. When that man comes from hereditary wealth, that’s not who he points the stick at.