Similar improvements for Trump among younger voters were cited in CNN’s 2024 exit polling of more than 22,000 voters. In the last election, Biden beat Trump in this demographic by 23 points. This year, Harris’ lead over Trump among those aged 18 to 29 was 13 points, a 10-point dip in the key demographic.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    234 months ago

    I’ve been sus about people proclaiming that somehow certain “generations” (we all would do well to remember that the idea of “generations” is a rather suspect one: were somehow just inherently better, more savvy and media aware than their elders. There is no reason to believe that just because you were on the 'net since you were a baby, and had smart phones nearly your entire life that you are somehow immune to all logical fallacies inherent in such things.

    I for one am not buying it. If anything, boomers, Gen X, and millennials have set up platforms and have been influencing people in the Gen Z age range (as well as Gen Alpha) to buy into totally toxic, moronic and just plain wrong things. Someone is watching all that algorithmic content, and it’s not all Gen-X or boomers or even all Gen Y.

    Whether it’s to buy into qanon/pizzagate bullshit, or buy into tankie narratives about “genocide joe” so that they either flat out vote for a dirtbag like the convicted felon, or vote third party, or sit at home, all of those outcomes help the Republicans. If the Republicans can capture these people young, they’ll have them consumers for life - just like other brands strive to do.