• @SquatDingloid
    93 hours ago

    Food inflation is outpacing wage growth

    People don’t give a shit what the CPI is

    Their grocery runs cost more for less food, so there is a problem with wage growth or food prices that the Dems are not willing to acknowledge

    • rigatti
      17 minutes ago

      Food prices are a component of CPI. Food inflation is also around 2%, which is like the ideal inflation rate: https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/food-inflation-in-the-united-states/

      Note that it was out of control a couple years ago, which is why prices went way up. I haven’t looked at the statistics, but what I have heard is that wage growth, generally, has caught up to inflation, which includes food prices. This is still a feels over reals situation. People feel that their food is too expensive, and Republicans are way better at addressing the feels. One of my favorite signs around the neighborhood said “TRUMP LOW PRICES || KAMALA HIGH PRICES”. Like, yeah, that definitely makes sense. Well explained.