I don’t own decorations of any kind for any holiday. I live alone and I don’t really celebrate much of anything. So my questions are:

  1. Do you decorate your home, office, automobile, etc. at all?
  2. If so which holidays?
  • @RBWells
    54 months ago

    For Halloween, yes. We actually have a contest at work, we get it spooky, and at home I decorate the front porch. Love Halloween.

    For Christmas I barely decorate at work, at home we get outside lights and inside a tree, not really anything else.

    I don’t think it matters (decorating specifically for holidays) but if I lived alone I’d want to decorate for me, so it would probably be sort of Halloween every day. That’s kind of how my work cube is, have a toy rat and crows out all the time but at Christmas I give them little Santa hats.