I have a Donner Hush X and wanted to replace the pick-up selector switch.

I’ve unscrewed the control panel but it doesn’t seem to lift off the guitar body. It might just be a bit stiff and need a little more heft; but I’m wondering if it’s soldered to a PCB board and so can’e be opened up with out damaging things.

Has anyone inspected inside or found any YT videos or internal diagrams? I can’t find any.


PS Here’s a Dropbox link to a video of me gingerly pulling the control plate around (which wouldn’t upload to Lemmy, in the OP). https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/v7n74q9m252hxrc17f7eb/IMG_0808.mp4?rlkey=qau7d4zum0qswswwngkivenvc&dl=0

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    Does it maybe pull out sideways? Like if you turn the guitar so you’re looking at the side and then pull it out like a book from a shelf?

    Edit: Also what does the front look like? Are the pickups screwed into the same piece of plastic? Maybe the pickup screws go through the plastic into the body?

    • @PuttaneskaOP
      14 months ago

      It’s all good now, thanks.

      (Solution/problem above ↑)