• Jerkface (any/all)
    4 months ago

    Are you not aware that the more meat you eat, the younger you die and the more major diseases you experience? Meat is toxic, people are not better off for having any amount of it in their diet. Plants are made of protein. Calorie for calorie, plants are a superior protein source. There is not one major health consequence in the world today caused by too much not enough protein. The leading cause of death of all humans on earth COMPLETELY GOES AWAY without meat consumption, and so do several others. The idea that a lack of vitamin D and protein is a major health issue for humans who eat mostly plants is ridiculous, and any consequences can be easily mitigated. There is nothing you can take that will prevent meat from killing you.

    • @SupraMario
      34 months ago

      Guessing you didn’t read anything from the john hopkins link…like usual. Meat is not toxic, I don’t know where you got that from, calorie for calorie they are not superior in protein, and the leading cause of death of all humans doesn’t vanish because of stopping meat consumption (hint meat doesn’t turn you into a 800lb whale)…the fuck are you babbling about.