• @simplymath
    64 months ago

    lol. do you honestly think there are psyop campaigns on Lemmy? for all 12 of us? lololol. I thought I was paranoid, but goddamn.

    Do you know how much it costs to run a chat bot?

    • @lurklurk
      24 months ago

      What, you don’t think Russia can afford it?

    • @[email protected]
      -14 months ago

      Do you know how much it costs to start a war? Do you think russia is a fiscally responsible terrorist organisation?

      • @simplymath
        -14 months ago

        Pretty sure the Russian economy just passed Japan’s in terms of GDP. I’m not saying they can’t afford it. I’m saying that paying Tim Pool and buying up Facebook ads is a lot cheaper and far more effective.

        • @[email protected]
          64 months ago

          Wtf are you on about. Japan’s GDP is more than twice as big as russias. Both per capita and annual.

          I’m telling you that russia does not give a fuck about effectiveness.

            • @[email protected]
              34 months ago

              Oh wow, you found a metric where russia better, besides alcoholism!

              By PPP metric India is better off than Germany, France and UK combined.

              When you’re sanctioned to shit, you probably don’t have a lot of alternatives of what you can and cannot buy…

              You’re comparing “Local Market” data, when talking about puchasing ads from X and Facebook…

              Congrats, you’ve earned youself a tag.

              • @simplymath
                -34 months ago

                you don’t think 1 billion people have more economic output than the 150 million or so that live in Germany, France and the UK? That’s pretty fucking racist.

                • @[email protected]
                  54 months ago

                  Oh, so NOW we’re taking into account population?

                  So, by your own link, russia has not surpassed Japan, no.

                  Either way, “economic output” is what I give zero shits about. It’s quality of life what matters. Everything else is statistical wank for finance bros.

                  Not sure why you brought up incorrect comparisons of russia’s economy to a conversation about their fiscal responsibility, which has been proven to be idiotic (as it often is in autocratic oligarchies)

                  • @simplymath
                    -34 months ago

                    I’m just responding to a comment about them being able to afford it. They clearly have money on hand, which makes per capita GDP metrics a non sequitur given the oligarchic nature of Russia. Since it’s a war economy with a huge degree of state centralization, looking at total economic power makes a lot more sense, to me at least.

                    Why are we talking about quality of life suddenly? At no point did I say Russia was better than Japan-- i said they have plenty of capital and a relatively cheap labor pool.

                    I’m conceding that Russia can, in fact, waste money on Lemmy trolls. I still don’t think it’s at all likely and would be very happy to see some mod logs that prove me wrong.

                    Do you think there are Russian trolls on every discord server and IRC chat room too? It must be exhausting to live like that.

      • @simplymath
        -44 months ago

        nah, just published and cited for work on power management for AI training

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          Oh you’re published? It’s cute you think that means anything in this context.

          Russia is known to pay flesh-and-blood human beings to act as agents in information campaigns. The fact that you don’t know that and just assumed I was talking about chat bots for no apparent reason tells me everything I need to know. It’s why I was mocking you; your statement just had nothing to do with what was being spoken of, and you’re either dishonest or too oblivious and self-absorbed to realize that.

          For the record, there are full grown adults who were born after my first research project with publishable results.

          • @simplymath
            4 months ago

            ah. right. I totally forgot how flesh and blood people were cheaper than chat bots (they aren’t) and that they have tons of excess manpower to throw at the task-- that’s why they’re relying on North Koreans to defend Kursk.

            Yeah, they paid Tim Pool and other right wing podcasters to shill for them, but there’s no evidence anywhere that they’re targeting fucking Lemmy. It’s an absurd position given the size of the user base and the nature of federation.

            How much is a Facebook ad these days? probably a lot cheaper than paying people to troll you in their non native language.