That’s all.

EDIT: Thank you all for detailing your experience with, and hatred for, this miserable product. Your display of solidarity is inspiring. Now, say it with me:

Fuck Microsoft

  • Valmond
    4 months ago

    It’s a single =

    a = 5;

    b = c;

    And hell, “use .Equal” is exactly what it is all about, have you heard of == ?

    Back in the day all the big languages were hard to learn and had lots of quirks, but somehow C/C++ moved on and became quite simple and elegant (you can write the worst trash with it ofc. but that’s like saying you shouldn’t cook because you might burn your chicken). C# not so much.

    • Metju
      4 months ago
      • .Equals and == have different meaning in C#. Decent IDEs will warn you about that (and yes, that excludes Visual Studio, but that always was crap 😄).
      • As for (re)assignments - I don’t see an issue with that, tbh; you only have to be aware of whether you’re using a reference- or value type (and if you aren’t, then let’s be honest - you have bigger problems).

      I admit, “canonical C#” looks like shit due to a fuckton of legacy stuff. Fortunately, newer patterns solve that rather neatly and that started way back in C# 6 or 7 (with arrow functions / props and inlined outs).

      Tl;dr: check the new features, fiddle with the language yourself. Because hell, with ref structs you can make it behave like quasi-Rust

      • Valmond
        4 months ago

        .Equals and == has different meanings? Like === in php or is it javascript 😅

        If you don’t see the problem with reassignment/pointer walking, then you are just too used to it to notice that it is total shit, how do you even copy the data from an instance of a class to another… Or are you “not supposed to do that”? If so, okay, but then c# is a ‘simple’ language, a script language like python or php.

        Also when you have a class A, make an instance isn’t:

        A a;

        I mean wtf…

        To each their own I guess :-) !