There is an old joke about two men being chased by a lion. One says to the other, “you can’t outrun a lion.”

To which the other responds, “I don’t have to, I only have to outrun you.”

Therein lies the story of the ascendance of Texas, Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas and Tennessee, which Bloomberg News reports now contribute more to the nation’s gross domestic product than the Northeast, which includes the formidable Washington-New York-Boston corridor.

For years, the Northeast has lost residents and corporations to Texas and states with lower taxes, warmer weather, less onerous regulation and more affordable housing. But while Texas continues to outsprint most of the country, explosive growth comes with consequences, and Texas is not without significant challenges to its future.

For the first time since CNBC’s America’s Top States for Business study was launched in 2007, Texas finished out of the top five, falling into sixth place due chiefly to concerns about the state’s power grid, education, crime, health care and a rollback of diversity, equity and inclusion programs. The CNBC study, for example, ranked Texas’ infrastructure, the second-most important category under its methodology, a lackluster 24th, a drop from 15th in 2022.

Even with these downgrades, Texas is still an economic juggernaut, boasting the second-best economy ranking after Florida in the study.

Success, however, can be fleeting. In the face of these challenges, Texas policymakers must better leverage the state’s competitive strengths and shore up systemic vulnerabilities that could compromise Texas’ future.

And that begins with making sure that Texans can still live and work in the state. While Texans benefit from no state income tax, home prices are rising rapidly, property tax rates are higher in Texas than in many other states, and population growth in the large metropolitan areas and counties surrounding Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin and San Antonio have made these regions suddenly less affordable. The state fell on CNBC’s ranking to 16th in cost of doing business from 12th in 2022, and pricier housing costs dropped the Texas to 22nd for cost of living from14th last year.

Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas lawmakers have not been oblivious to this threat. Most recently, lawmakers passed a bill to reduce the school property tax rate for homeowners and businesses, increase the homestead exemption, and create a pilot program to reduce taxes on certain residential and commercial properties. Property values are certain to rise as the state grows, and the Legislature, counties and cities must keep affordability as a competitive priority.

Health care is another persistent problem for Texas, which ranks 38th in the country for overall health, down from 34th in 2019, according to America’s Health Rankings 2022 Annual Report. Yet, state leaders have refused to expand Medicaid, making Texas just one of 10 states that have not expanded health coverage to more low-income residents. By some projections, Texas has given up as much as $5.4 billion a year in subsidies while leaving millions of low-income residents in a coverage gap that occurs when low-wage Texans do not receive insurance through their employers, make too much money to qualify for Medicaid or don’t earn enough to afford full-priced health insurance.

Texas faces a similar challenge in education, a cornerstone for building and retaining the skilled workforce that companies and the economy need. The Legislature this year wisely expanded its investment in research at Texas public universities and overhauled the state funding system for community colleges to reward colleges for producing graduates with marketable degrees and certificates that could bridge a serious mismatch of job openings and workers with the skills to fill those jobs.

However, lawmakers failed to increase the basic allotment based on students’ average daily attendance, which public K-12 systems need to keep pace with rising costs, a major omission since schools are struggling to help students recover from learning losses during the pandemic and to retain teachers.

Water is also a major issue. Over the next 50 years, Texas will need to spend over $150 billion on new water supplies, fixing aging drinking water and wastewater infrastructure, and developing flood control and mitigation projects, according to the think tank Texas 2036. And while the state is making significant investments, the demand for water continues to outpace the long-term supply, an imbalance that would cost the state billions in lost economic activity, from agriculture to energy production to commercial and residential growth.

There is a lot more on the state’s to-do list, such as improving transportation, expanding high-speed broadband, improving the power grid and keeping electricity rates affordable. To varying degrees, the state has begun to address these concerns but still has a long trek ahead.

None of these are one-and-done issues, however, and will require money and commitment for policymakers to look beyond the success of the past and present to the challenges of the future.

Texas is a strong state, but our growth and prosperity won’t be assured by low taxes and light regulation alone. We need serious policy commitments to address challenges that are already weighing us down.

State leaders must commit to continuing to make investments for the future or risk giving up Texas’ economic gains.

  • @TOModera
    191 year ago

    So the people move there due to low taxes, find out there is weak to no infrastructure, demand improvement, taxes rise, complain about taxes, leave… seems sustainable.

    Or the habitants pay extra for all the necessities of life, and the companies in the state have to pay more for staff, then they leave due to higher expenses.

    Good luck figuring it out, Texas.

    • NielsBohron
      61 year ago

      And these are the same people that talk about California like it’s a post-apocalyptic hellscape and an economic nightmare.

      I’ve lived in California for most of my life and I know it’s far from perfect (hello, unaffordable housing and insufficient water), but the state taxes are still far lower than federal for private citizens and the state taxes are far from onerous. Plus, I have far more faith in California’s future than I do in nearly any other state in the union, mostly due to those “expensive” social services and the education system (as well as the long-term economic outlook).

      So please, GOP, keep telling people about how awful the blue states are. When the shit hits the fan, we won’t be the post-apocalyptic hellscape, because we’ve mostly figured out how to help each other and live in a functioning society. Texas, on the other hand…