US Muslim leaders who supported Republican Donald Trump to protest against the Biden administration’s support for Israel’s war on Gaza and attacks on Lebanon have been deeply disappointed by his cabinet picks, they tell Reuters.

“Trump won because of us and we’re not happy with his Secretary of State pick and others,” says Rabiul Chowdhury, a Philadelphia investor who chaired the Abandon Harris campaign in Pennsylvania and co-founded Muslims for Trump. Muslim support for Trump helped him win Michigan and may have factored into other swing state wins, strategists believe.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    It socially shames you into making better choices.

    If you were dumb yesterday, you can be not-dumb tomorrow if you admit to yourself that you were dumb.

    It’s called personal growth, you won’t see it anywhere on .ml or whatever cesspit you dragged your opinion from.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      163 months ago

      It socially shames you into making better choices.

      Honestly, I think this is one reason why the disinformation networks - hate radio, Faux Nooz, the bro-ed up magaverse online, etc - is sooo effective.

      It used to be socially painful to make stupid choices and to show fealty to really stupid things, like the Republican Party. Now, instead of these people having to go into a corner and nurse their wounds and maybe reflect, they flee into the irreality bubble these things provide, AND THEY ARE VALIDATED in there. They experience no painful shame, or at least not for very long.

    • @EndlessApollo
      -13 months ago

      When has this ever worked xD the vegan school of recruitment will ensure nobody votes for democrats again, people don’t like being shamed for shit they believe by people who think they’re superior in every way

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        All things are not equal.

        “You fell for a scam” does not feel anything like “somebody else thinks the normal choice backed up by the whole of human history that you also made is immoral.”

        Shame is a tool, and just like how you can’t use a screwdriver to fix a leaky pipe tools don’t apply to every situation.

        Shame is valid when a person is making bad decisions that cause harm to themselves and those around them, not when somebody else is grumpy because we like fried chicken.

    • @[email protected]
      -113 months ago

      See other post. I voted for Harris. I thought an insurrection was enough to convince the populate not to vote for a traitor and I was wrong.

      Socially shaming people doesn’t all work. It made me NOT vote for Clinton in 2016. What made me vote for Biden in 2020 and Harris in 2024 is every thing that happened during Trumps presidency. I learned my lesson then.

      Democrats’ attitudes at the time, much like the person calling Muslims dumb, was a big factor in me choosing not to vote for Clinton back then.

      I’m trying to prevent that same thing happening to other people - especially a voting bloc that can sway my state.

      There are paths to personal growth that don’t involve being a dick to others

      • @ChronosTriggerWarning
        13 months ago

        much like the person calling Muslims dumb

        The person you’re referring to didn’t call Muslims dumb. They said “THESE PEOPLE” are dumb, referring to Muslims that voted for trump. Are you being deliberately obtuse, or is reading comprehension simply not in your wheelhouse?

        • @D1G17AL
          23 months ago

          They are cherry picking the specific words they respond to. Which is a classic loser argument tactic that is employed to try and achieve a holier than thou position. See if they can somehow twist your words around to make it sound like you are forcing words into their mouth then they can play the victim. Suddenly if they achieve victim status that means you don’t get to say mean things to them anymore. When really, socially shaming people does still work. There’s just a lot of “coddling” that happens in online social media groups that allows people to massage their feelings in such a way so that they feel empowered to continue holding the same DUMB view points that got them shamed in the first place.

          • @ChronosTriggerWarning
            03 months ago

            Yep. It was kinda cute how savagely they fought against a made-up position. Tilting windmills and all that.

      • @D1G17AL
        -13 months ago

        Not sorry, stupid people need to be told they are stupid so they stop being stupid. Sometimes it means calling them out harshly. Get over it. Not everyone needs to be treated like a delicate flower that will wilt at the slightest disturbance. People are not made of sugar, crying won’t make them melt. We have an epidemic of stupidity spreading around the world. America is one of the worst places for it and people like you that cringe at calling out stupid are not helping solve the problem.