
Elon Musk, having endorsed and campaigned for Donald Trump, is now acting as a “shadow president,” advising on policies and personnel, and joining Trump on calls with world leaders.

This unprecedented relationship between the world’s richest man and the leader of the free world raises concerns about the influence of wealth on government.

While both Trump and Musk have incentives to continue their partnership, their volatile personalities and differing expertise may lead to a breakup in the future.

    • @FlowVoid
      61 month ago

      For one thing, the Netherlands has nearly the lowest wealth inequality in the world, yet it is a democracy.

      • @Viking_Hippie
        101 month ago

        I think you misunderstood.

        democracy cannot exist with massive wealthy inequality and money equal to speech

        Is supposed to be the affirmative statement afaict.

        The Netherlands having low wealth inequality and not equating money with speech (or giving corporations all the rights of people but none of the responsibilities and restrictions) makes it much MORE democratic than it would otherwise be.