The Shaggs - Philosophy of The World

While its existence is the result of, I’d say, a tragic story from the world of music, this album makes me want to become Respectable™.

I’m talkin’ respected academician, classic cars which fart global warming, needlessly large mansion with garish “high-class” post-Gothic nonsense, droves upon droves of pseudo-intellectual sycophants, a few published works which are worth more in their pedigree than their contents, the works!

Just so I can make everyone who’ll inevitably show up at my funeral to suck up some clout to listen to this masterpiece in its entirety, especially during the eulogy part. Yes, the doors are locked. No, the fire alarm doesn’t work. Yes, the whole thing was planned decades in advance in an establishment with few (if any) windows. No, we’re not doing “just the one song!” It is as inevitable as the heat-death of the Universe!

    • @latenightnoirOP
      4 months ago

      Thing is, I genuinely like this album! Not for the music itself, but for what it is, a work born of spite and utter disdain*. I just think more people from the Upper Crust™ could do with listening to this.

      In terms of who hurt me, at this point it’s completely irrelevant. There’s only so much mincing you can do to meat before it becomes indifferent to it.