I honestly do not mind it one but. I quite like the interface. It’s minimal but there are some bugs to it which is to be expected. I really do like the overall design of it though. There isn’t too much going on. It’s like old Reddit which I am a big fan of

  • @CannaVet
    81 year ago

    Apparently this is an unpopular opinion, but could the users wanting a 1 for 1 Reddit clone just…go support one of the 1 for 1 Reddit clones? I’m getting really tired already of everybody signing up for a decentralized system that advertises it’s lack of a central authority to escape the site due to the actions of it’s central authority then immediately complaining there is no central authority.

    I understand the culture shock and have been trying to do my part in explaining that Lemmy and Reddit are not the same system, but I’m already seeing a sense of hostility towards the devs along the lines of “Oh it’s not like Reddit fuck that well I guess we’ll see if the devs bother listening to ThIeR uSeRs and make it Reddit!” and those people can go fuck themselves.

    • @SterlingVapor
      41 year ago

      I mean, I think it’s deeper than that, in our culture we have this idea nailed into us that without a clear hierarchy, people will go around killing each other and stealing their homes. No one would ever do work, and if you were being murdered on the street no one would care or do anything about it

      Most people fundimentally aren’t equipped to understand how humans self-govern - but it’s how most of the world lived for most of history, and we had worldwide trading networks just based around distributed communities trading with their neighbors

      So you try to explain a decentralized network to them, and they hear “distributed”. They don’t get why people would band together to make servers, and they don’t get how it won’t immediately collapse into chaos without leadership

      It’s worth trying to pound the concept into their head until it gets in, because the more people who understand, the more we can improve our society across the board with structures that are more aligned to us by nature

      And along with that, like you mentioned there are people who see everything as an enterprise - something that ultimately draws in money or power. They tend to be the entitled, because in their mind “I’m the customer and you need me”. They’re going to have even more trouble understanding, and I’m more willing to let them go. Even if they’re made to understand, people with that worldview tend to see growth as a virtue and sustainablility as a marketing term