TIL lol

This is from a group chat I was in and a female friend asked the group

  • @tomi000
    112 hours ago

    Drinking from a guys sweaty nuts? Thats def waaay geosser than navel shots

    • @[email protected]
      31 hour ago

      I dunno, honestly, I clean both daily and yet it’s my navel that gets linty and full of chunks of dead skin far faster, can’t imagine it’s any less sweaty, either

      Then again I shave my balls with a straight razor every day like a real man (this is actually the test to prove manhood, sorry anyone who doesn’t, I didn’t make the rules) so maybe I’m picturing less gross balls because of that

      • @Nutteman
        7 minutes ago

        My girlfriend is an aesthetician and waxes my boys on a regular semi-weekly schedule. Always perfect, no nicks. Still painful to achieve maximum manliness, but smoother and lasts longer. Look at what you have to do to achieve a fraction of my power.