i’ve been thinking about how people approach health when they’re feeling unwell. some folks prefer to go to a doctor or use pharmaceutical medicine from the pharmacy, while others choose herbal remedies or alternative treatments. personally, i prefer using herbal remedies because i believe that all the ingredients in pharmaceutical medicines ultimately come from nature, and we can find those remedies ourselves in plants. what about you?

edit: cmon guys it’s not about the traditional vs modern treatment. just wanna know other’s opinion about this…

  • @tomi000
    23 months ago

    I dont know what youre thinking of when you are saying ‘herbal medicine’ but it is clearly not the same as me. When I drink camomile tea for an upset stomach, which 100% works, how is that me being an unregulated crook?

    • @DragonsInARoom
      23 months ago

      The way you phrased your comment made it appear like you’re saying they’re the just as effective in all regards as each other. A medication will provably make a difference via more mechanical biology, whereas a herbal tea will make a difference with the mind. The main difference is the way people feel better. Using a painkiller for a chronic pain is better than drinking a herbal tea, but if you stub your toe both will work. Needing to say herbal tea isn’t witchcraft, has a basis in reality and has been around for thousands of years comes across as defensive. (In this case a more broad defense of alternative medicine.) Putting your comment in a more down to earth way would’ve avoided the, less than favourible, interpretation by commenters. (Mentioning that the plecibo effect is real or actual active ingredients in some herbal teas would also have helped.)

      • @tomi000
        33 months ago

        I never said they were equally effective, I simply stated that it is not baseless, replying to an incredibly rude commenter who was extremely confident in their scoentifically wrong statement, thats why I mocked the commenter with the witchcraft part. Also I literally said ‘there is stuff you cant simply cure with herbs’. If anyone thinks I valued the two equally they didnt read past the first 3 words of my comment.

        People are so quick to start a witchhunt based on absolutely nothing. This is pretty sad…