I just finished watching DS9 Season 5 Episode 5 ‘The Assignment’ and as much as I loved it, I couldn’t believe the treatment they gave Keiko. It was a tense episode and I enjoyed seeing O’Brien getting psychologically tortured and I laughed at first at the treatment of Keiko but by the end of the episode I felt really bad about how she was portrayed.

The whole dragon lady dynamic is fun for a while but it gets old fast and you start feeling bad for the character.

I also loved the part in the episode where it’s O’Brien’s birthday and everyone instead sings ‘For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow’ … it’s a whole musical rights issue where someone has to be paid for the performance of the song ‘Happy Birthday’ which is why they didn’t use it … yet another torturous addition to the life of O’Brien.

  • @ummthatguy
    63 months ago

    I’m saying it was a good portrayal, but the actors didn’t mesh.

    • osaerisxero
      63 months ago

      Maybe, but I feel like that actually made it work better. Like, in the obrien-must-suffer-metaverse, even the actors chemistry didn’t gel, let alone the characters.