• @viralJ
    13 months ago

    No. I came up with this myself as I was pondering the world, the universe, how there is no evidence of any god existing, and how the best science we have tells us that we are just matter and energy inhabiting spacetime. But matter arranged in such fantastically improbable way that we can feel happiness. Why waste the precious moments we’ve been given on doing anything other than striving to feel happiness? Which of course can come in different forms for every one of us.

    I’ve just had a quick search, I guess your message has a typo and you meant Epicureanism? It is similar to how I feel about life, but it seems to say that lack of pain and fear is enough to consider oneself happy. I’d go a bit further and postulate active pursuit of things that positively make you or fellow sentient beings feel pleasure.

    • @TempermentalAnomaly
      13 months ago

      I did misspell Epicureanism.

      They do suggest that seeking pleasure is very important. But there’s a focus on the simple pleasures with time with friends as one of the highest pleasure. There’s also the concept of atarxia which the state of mind of calmness and acceptance.