
Anti-Trump Americans, especially on the left, are showing a more subdued response to Trump’s 2024 reelection compared to the activism of 2016.

Exhaustion, disillusionment with repeated setbacks, and negative media coverage have led many to disengage from politics or shift focus to personal priorities.

Activist groups, like Women’s March, are planning protests but acknowledge lower enthusiasm and more localized efforts.

Experts suggest this “tune-out” may be a coping mechanism, with some hoping new, non-political participants will lead change.

Many feel drained but believe activism will eventually regain momentum.

  • @weeeeum
    263 months ago

    Yeah, this exactly. I voted for Harris and I’m furious at the party for being allergic to victory. By becoming so centrist they are completely crippled. They’ve done absolutely jack shit for the average man and just sweep it under the rug. The Democratic party completely ignores us. It is utterly stagnant, with status-quo nominees like Hillary, Biden and Harris. I think without true progressives nominated in the future, dems will keep losing, and it doesn’t even feel like they care.

    • @pjwestin
      63 months ago

      This is exactly what I think. I really want to be positive, but the more time passes, the more I’m convinced that the message they’ll take from this isn’t, “we need to return to our New Deal roots,” but, “we got too into, ‘identity politics,’ let’s not talk about trans issues anymore.”

      I think the final test as to whether there is any hope left for the party is if they select Rahm Emanuel for the DNC chair. If they do, then progressives just need to move on; this party has nothing left to offer, even as a method of countering fascism. We’d be better off trying our luck with third parties than these perennial losers.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        43 months ago

        This is exactly what I think. I really want to be positive, but the more time passes, the more I’m convinced that the message they’ll take from this isn’t, “we need to return to our New Deal roots,” but, “we got too into, ‘identity politics,’ let’s not talk about trans issues anymore.”

        And the galling thing about that is that centrists used Republican “boys in girls’ sports” hatred in their own campaign ads. They talked about trans people. They made it clear that they could not expect Democrats’ support.

        • @pjwestin
          23 months ago

          Wait, they, “used Republican hatred,” as in they used clips of Republicans being hateful, or they adopted Republicans hateful positions? Just trying to clarify what you mean.

          The worst part to me is that Tim Walz already demonstrated how to handle trans issues, which to make the Republicans fixation on them the issue. Don’t get bogged down in all their shitty arguments, just say, “Why are you so obsessed with where people go to bathroom? Mind your own business, weirdo.”