My research and AI’s responses seem inconsistent or unsatisfactory, so I prefer to ask these questions to Xbox players, thanks to anyone who takes the time to respond!

  1. Are the games actually emulated or are they just downloaded digitally using the disc as a key?
  2. Does the compatibility transform games significantly or is it a remaster-like optimization?
  3. Is it possible to use this feature offline therefore not caring about any Microsoft server support cessation?
  4. Are there significant differences in how backward-compatibility works on Xbox One versus Xbox Series X?
  5. What are some other aspects of this backwards compatibility feature that are worth mentioning?
  • @ElectroVagrant
    53 months ago

    No, since there is only the PowerPC bits on the disc, there is no way to play the game on a newer x86 cpu without downloading the x86 bits

    Something worth adding here, if you happen to know, would be if the games still work after download & install while offline. Microsoft’s been rather inconsistent with this over the years (which is part of why Xbox One fell behind PS4 at launch).

    • Scrubbles
      33 months ago

      I believe so? I think? It’s been a long time. The only thing I could see that would prevent it is if they require a check when launching it, but I remember if you had the disc in that was enough for it before.