Today’s game is Portal 1. I didn’t really have time to start the Hospital in Silent Hill 2’s New Game+, but i wanted to play something. So i downloaded Portal 1 and played through a few of the challenge maps for the Gold Medals. I’ve been meaning to get the achievements out of the way at some point anyways. I got Gold in 5/6 of the Portal Count categories, but stopped at the last one. This screenshot comes from my 2 portal run of one of the chambers. It was difficult because i had to bounce the pellets of the cube at just the right angle to get it into the receiver.

This one i took right before a failed run where i had to portal peek. Luckily i saved right before dying, but it was harder than i thought, especially because i got turned around.

There was also the Test Chamber with the turrets. It was hard and i had to save scum it. I ended up using cubes to shove them over and the running back into cover before they could get me. I also built this fun staircase of Cubes to get over a wall. I ended the run with two portals just to get through a mesh fence.

  • MentalEdge
    173 months ago

    Puzzle game hall of famer, this.

    My sister made me a crocheted friendship cube. It always sits next to my wifi router.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      13 months ago

      Portal was one of the First game franchises i got really attached to. It and its sequel well deserves that spot in the Hall of Fame